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Romo is screeching - Help!


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In the last week, Romo has started a really loud and high pitched screeching, a totally deafening sound, especially if he is on my shoulder at the time. I can't associate it with anything in particular, but I'm sure it means something to him.


Romo is 6 months old, we've had him since Oct. He has a really big cage with tons of toys. If I am working during the day, he is given several foods, plus some foraging toys and the tv is on noggin for his entertainment. When we get home, he spends most of the evening out of his cage with either my husband or me, or on his playstand, and goes to his sleeping cage around 9pm. He wants lots of scritches at night and I can touch him just about anywhere on his body. He hasn't started talking yet, but we talk to him all the time.


We don't have any other birds, but the sound he is making is what I imagine a cockatoo would make, based on what I've heard about them. Is this a normal behavior?

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I believe so. My Elmo has a high pitched shrill that he does from time to time. When he first learned it he would do it all the time but I never gave any "notice" to it so now he got bored of it and is on to better things. So when he does it act like nothing happened.

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You mention that he often makes the noise when he's on your shoulder. What I would do, is say in a normal tone of voice, "too loud" and put him down on a playstand or his cage, and walk away for a few minutes. Give him another chance by picking him up again, talking to him, etc. Reward him with attention when he's making pleasant noises or is just quiet. If he makes the screeching noise again (each time he does), say the same thing "too loud" or whatever you prefer, and put him down. It sounds like he wants to be with you, and he will quickly learn that making a screeching noise in your ear will get him placed on the cage or stand. Be consistent and clear, and I think he will figure it out!


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Yes, Deb as others have said, it's normal. Welcome to the world of Parrot owners. :-)


Sometimes when Dayo is sitting on my shoulder and he See's Kim walk by, he will do a wolf whistle and then a shrill whistle that makes me wince in pain :pinch:


But, then I smile and think, Yeppers Dan, you just had to have an African Grey :P


Can't wait until he starts with the wise cracks!! :woohoo: :side: :silly:

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