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I would first like to say, that we here, are very happy that you have chosen this forum to become a member. I'm sure you will agree that it is the BEST forum on the internet for advice regarding any subjects pertaining to African Greys. Nowhere will you find another Family that is more respectful, more giving of their time and advice, more helpful, more caring, more loving towards each other. We love each and every bird that is lucky enough to be a member of this family as if it were our own. We care about each other and look to share our ups and downs with THIS family to help us through not only the difficult times, but this family is here to share in the wonderful events that happen in each and every members lives.


That being said, I feel that I have to comment on the recent posts that have been made regarding leaving this forum for reasons that are unexplainable. I feel that we as a family, deserve a better explanation than "I am just leaving for personal reasons regarding this forum". That leaves a lot of us members, moderators, and administrators wondering if we did something wrong. We wonder if it was something we said?, or could it be that something we are doing is not helpful enough?, could we improve things here? Lots of unanswered questions, which leaves us all very frustrated.


It only takes a couple of minutes to PM a moderator or admin to explain the reasons that you are unhappy and feel the need to leave.

We would like the opportunity to work with each member if they feel unhappy here. I realize that we aren't going to please everyone all the time, but we would like to make an effort to keep you as the valued member that you are. Everyone here is an important part of this family, and feelings are hurt when you just up and leave with no explanation.


So PLEASE in the future, PM a moderator or admin if there is an issue that has you upset and bothered. We are all here to help, and would like the opportunity to help rectify the situation.













Tari/ Moderator<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/12/27 23:35

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Very good and timely post. I agree with your comments wholeheartedly. Though, we may not deserve an explanation or expect it, it would be nice to know why.


I do know that some may leave due to time constraints, the loss of a loved Parrot and do not desire to read or comment about them for a while etc.. But, some also leave, sadly, simply because some others may rub them the wrong way. This is true in all of civilization, in our work places, recreational activities, clubs etc.. But, normally we just put up with one another's quirks, personalities, likes, dislikes etc. and accept them for who they are.


If we do not like some one on this board for one reason or another (other than someone causing out-right Chaos or promulgating dangerous practices) we can simply just not respond or acknowledge their posts. Though I personally do not practice this, some may want to and I respect that.


At any rate, my point is, you don't need to leave just over a difference of opinion or the way someone looks or speaks. That's what the world is made up of and we all have to somehow learn to get along or blow each other up. Which in some cases, I will admit, some people just need to be blown up. :-)


But, hey, I could be wrong :-)

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Thanks for that post.

I don't like to see people leave because they're having a problem with someone else on the forum. I appreciate you reaching out and offering an alternative.

I do see us as a family, and as we all know, there isn't a family out there that lives in perfect harmony 100% of the time. In fact, conflict can be healthy! So I hope if anyone else is thinking of leaving that they would follow Penny's lead and try to work things out with official help, or take Dan's advise and ignore the person who's bothering you.

You'd practically have to hit me with a brick to get me outta here! :)

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Laurie wrote:

You'd practically have to hit me with a brick to get me outta here! :)


Laurie, watch out for that brick LOL:laugh: :lol: :blink:


I agree that if a member feels the need to leave and it is a problem with another member or members they should pm an admin or one of the mods and discuss it first. But there can be a million reasons why someone feels compelled to not be a part of this family any longer and sometimes it has nothing to do with the forum itself, it is just a personal matter.


In my opinion if the reason is personal and not concerning the forum itself then no explanation is required or expected, a member could just not post or log on any longer, why bother with a goodbye post. I'd say the majority of the members who are not active anymore did just that.

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  • 3 months later...

Good post Talon. Many great companies run their businesses by listening to their customers. While no one that visits here is really a "customer", as forum operators we certainly do listen to everyone. So as Talon sums up. Please do state your reason for leaving. This is the to "change your mind" there will be no debate on the subject. We only want to know how we can improve and if there is something we can do to prevent some of the issues that cause some to quit.



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Hi johnny & Welcome to the forum, please come & introduce yourself in our Welcome room ;)



johnny As with life sometimes there may be a few hiccups along the way,it is inevitable at times people will not agree.The thread was aimed at no one, it was a general announcement that if you had an issue with anything on the forum or anyone please just don't up & leave, issues can always be resolved.We strive here at Grey forums to make this a wonderful, family site.The dedication of the Admin & moderator team is second to none.We are totally committed in sharing our knowledge & advice with each & every member.We actively encourage old & new members to become part of our family & actively participate on the forum.We want you as our members to be as passionate about Grey forums as we are.Hand on heart i can say it is very rarely we encounter any problems.This is a wonderful site & we have wonderful members, so please join in & we will try our up most to make Grey forums an enjoyable experience for you :)

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Ms judygram, he was wonderful until he met his first stranger, my son. He waltzed over on evening, about a week after I had brought him home. Monster was 16 weeks old, and a calm bird, but one look at my son he went looney. He raised his wings wide open, and screamed like a bomb alert fome London. His name was born, Monster, but to me he's sweetheat. No, I'm not gay.

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Johnny wrote:

No, I'm not gay.


LOL I would never accuse you of something like that, now that is funny:laugh: hope you have a sense of humor for I do.:laugh: :P


And you can just call me Judy, so he goes nuts over strangers, wow he really is a one person grey, some are like that and now we know why his name is Monster, fits.:blink: :P

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Just one other small thing. It has to do with your main question.

Sometimes, there might be a problem or series of problems going on at a particular board and unfortunately, a new person becomes a member and unknowingly walks into the middle of those situations. It doesn't mean that a new member should feel put off by what they see. You walked into a temporary situation but I can guarantee you that you won't be part of that situation. Relax, enjoy yourself, enjoy the other members, enjoy the admins, enjoy the mods, be a part of that enjoyment. You'll definitely benefit by doing that.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/15 19:21

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