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New Year's Resolutions


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As we approach yet another New Year, 2008, we all think of what are we going to do different this new year and I am no exception. For a lot of people it will be trying that new diet or starting a regimen of weight loss and exercise. Well I have already started that months ago so I have a new one to try this coming year.


I vow to be the best friend I can be to the people I call my best friends as I have not always been there when they needed me and I have been lax in keeping in touch like I should. I feel so ashamed of myself for not putting them first ahead of my own feelings and I promise to do better in the coming year and forever after.


True friends are precious gems that need to be cared for and loved and I will do my best to make sure those friends know that I love and cherish them as they so richly deserve.


Now what are your New Year's resolutions?

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Thats a nice resolution. Friends are gems. I had my best friends for 20 & 24 years. They were always there for me and visa versa. I had like 4 boyfriends and my best friends were always there not to help make choices but to stand beside me in what choice I made. My New Years resoulution is to do better paper work for the daycare. I have to stay on task more.

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Excellent Judy! I feel as you do. Friends are most important, we must cherish them and nurture our relationships with them.

I don't like to make New Years Resolutions, but I do like to try and be a better person each and every day.

Whether I succeed in that.....well that's another story altogether! :laugh:

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That is a great resolution. As kids, our worlds revolve around our friends, then things slowly die off as real world adult problems start taking over. You've inspired me to be better at keeping in touch!

That said, I've never been one to make New Year's resolutions. But I guess I have one this year because I joined a gym, and the resolution will be to keep it up!

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