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grey with discharge from left ear


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Hello and welcome to the family, Wasp45, glad you could join us and I know you are going to love it here.


You say Lucky is having a discharge from his left ear, no that is not normal and I would take him in to see an avian vet ASAP, he might need some antibiotics.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information. If you have specific questions just ask and we will do our best to answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have a picture of Lucky you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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were i live i dont have a wet i live in a very small place you can call as a island maldives at the momment we do not have veterians so if you guys can help ina nother way please help me some of my friends said that lack of calcium is a cause so i am going for that so pray that he recoverse but i need you guys to help me in any way you like its a pleasure to have guys as friends bye

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Sorry the only one that can help your bird is an avian vet. So might be time for a trip off the island for care for your sweet bird.

I don't see lack of calcium causing what sounds like a possible infection. You well need antibiotics and test done on your bird. Sorry no way around that. Keep him warm about 90 Degrees and quite until you can make a trip to an avian vet.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/12/21 18:47

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Hi wasp, welcome to the forum.

I think you must know that there are conditions only doctors (and in case of animals vets) can help. I honestly hope you will find someone with medical training to have a look at your grey Lucky ;)

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this makes me sick! if you knew you had no vets near you (as you obviously did living on an island where there is nothing)WHY on earth did you invest in a parrot or any animal at all, they are like us and from time to time WILL need a doctor this infectoin could disturb his throat and his balance and cause more harm than good so please do the best for your faithfull friend and spare a little money and time by gettimg him the care he needs. oh and welcome to the forum:(

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hi. sorry to hear about lucky's ear, it sounds like there is an infection brewing i would suggest that you take him/her to the vet, have they been scratching alot it might be a mite that they have scratched and then the dirt from the claws have transfered germs or bacteria to an open cut. please take you grey to the vet.

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