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A special thanks to all of you.


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Hello fellow family members,


At this time I would like to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you here. I have not been here long but I have made some great friends here and I feel very blessed to get to know all of you. We laugh,cry,debate,yell,and disagree at times but I love all of that. Thats what makes us a Family. I value all of your opinions(try to agree with most of the time) and respect your opinions. Some times I come off strong with my replies but I get hot under the collar sometimes(Italian in me) but when the day is over I try to move on. I have met some of the nicest people in this forum and for that no words can express how I feel. The im's we have a fun and we all laugh at the little inside jokes we have going on. When I have had a rough day I can rely on alot of you here to cheer me up. There are times that when I get upset at others here,there are others here to cool me off. I would like to think that I have befriended alot of you and I have became a friends to alot of you. I think that I have alot of experiance with birds and try to give you all good and solid advise. I hope that alot of you take the advise and it works for your situation. We all have our own seperate lives most of us work all day and if there is one thing that I can say is that I know I can come in here and talk to alot of you and get some satisfaction. There are surtain people here that stand out and they are true friends to me. I would like to take a minute to thank them from my heart.


Judy- What can I say about you that everybody dosent already know. You are a great friend to me.


Dave- Mister sarcastic at his best. We have alot in common and you are a great friend to me.


Joe- Well you all know he is my dad and a valuable friend to alot of people here.


Dan- Well you are a great person that has a great responce to alot of posts. You are a great friend


Marc- The same for you as Dan you are also a great person.


Kristin- A gem of a gal with a good heart and loves to talk about all things. I like to talk to you on the im as we do. A great friend to me.


Birdmom-Another great hearted person and freind she always seems to want to help you out.


Talon- A great admin and a good hearted person.


There are many more if I didnt list your name that does not mean that I am not thinking of you. You all have made it very pleasant for me here and there are not many other on-line chats or forums that care for all of its members.



I would really like to here from all of you on this and please add to this tread and take a minute to thank someone here to make them feel that they have made a differance to you and your birds life.

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Well thanks Zigs! It's great that you are stepping out so others can get to know who you are. Its clear when one reads all of the different posts you make on here, that you are an advocate for the birds first and foremost and I respect that about you Zigs.


We are all such different people, you just can't judge a person from one or two posts they make and these written words cannot express a person's tone of voice --or body language which is estimated to make up over 80% of human communication. Anybody who thinks they can assess someone from a few posts needs to rethink and give a person a better chance than that. There's always more than meets the eye at first glance.


We all have our quirks but most people are on here bcuz they love the birdies! I am. While we have our big differences we all have one very important thing in common and I hope it outweighs any silly misunderstandings. The stuff life is made of, take the good with the bad. Sometimes I get on a bandwagon and post ten blogs on some poor persons topic and then you poor people have to read it all. I need to get more sleep...


So hats off to you Ziggy! Karma coming your way! Its a pleasure getting to know you and your family. Keep it real, keep it light. Keep it real light! :)


joanne xo


ps oops I forgot to thank the academy my mother and everybody who ever taught me anything. Like, Dave007, your wit gets us thru alot keep it up. Also, Danmcq, always made me feel welcome when i first joined I was new to blog spots, and it took me a while. Thanks for the encouragement, Judy you too. Ziggy, u make me laugh and I do miss Joe. Most of all I thank Buddi and Charlie for letting me in their life. birdmom<br><br>Post edited by: birdmom, at: 2007/12/19 10:35

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ziggy wrote:

Hello fellow family members,


We laugh,cry,debate,yell,and disagree at times but I love all of that. Thats what makes us a Family.


Dan- Well you are a great person that has a great responce to alot of posts. You are a great friend




We are a family. As you so well put, in your description of how all families emotionally relate to one another. It is both healthy and normal. We all learn and grow from it. :-)


I know when I first joined back in May/June, I believe, that it was a nice atmosphere with caring and loving people just wanting to help a Grey Owner "Greenhorn" learn everything the books just do not tell you from:


Fairy (The Forum Goddess)

Ceasarsdad (Frank - The King)

Talon (Penny - The Queen)

JudyGram (Judy - The Princess)

Tari (Tari - The Physician)

MrSpock (Dave - The Logistician)

DblHelix (Mark - Our Sorcerer and Alchemist)

NevJoe (The Godfather)

Beccy (Beccy - The Bird Trainer)

ILoveMyGreys (Tracy - The Dietician)


.....and all the others explained in detail how to bring Dayo along in all areas of food, health, training etc. They were with me when "Jake" escaped and I tracked him for 2 days thinking he was dead from 109 temps, but finally found and retrieved him. All the while, they were all there coaching Me and Kim on, with great ideas and encouragement.


Then there are all the others here that I have come to love, value and appreciate over the past Months as they joined our Family. I will not list due to the length this post would grow to, but it includes ALL of you my Friends :-) and I do mean ALL!!


Thank You all for being you and adding more personality, opinions, ideas, facts, interesting conversation, love, compassion and a Global unified atmosphere that is wonderful to be a member of and share our commonality with one another.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/19 14:34

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My feelings about this board and the members who are the back bone of this board are these......


It's a very satisfying feeling to be involved with open minded people. This place is loaded with those types of people.

Unlike the others in this thread, I'm extremely nervous about naming names because later on, I'll realize that there were people I left out. It's not something that I would be comfortable with. It would cause me sadness. But for me, that too is exciting because there are so many people that I have feelings for. . I also won't name names because I'm sure that in the future they'll be even more coming here that aren't even members yet. Those people will come here and immediately get trapped in the overpowering claws of sincere love and kindness and genuine caring. It's a trap that will be hard to escape from. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that this will happen and it's equally wonderful knowing that the members here are going to step up and make these future members equally comfortable and wanted.


I feel that there's another very important reason for the success of this board and it's because this board has the unique ability of drawing in both men and women with the men finding out that it's a great place to visit and stay for a while and THEY do stay. That's very rare on many boards. Sadly, the huge majority of boards don't have this type of success. Having men and women on a board assures that there's a much more well rounded view of bird ownership and it's a satisfying feeling that people of both sexes are so receptive to each other.


I feel that this place has proven to me that open mindedness truly exists here and I know that's one of the things that makes that backbone even stronger.


It's difficult to get people from all different states who all have different ways of expressing themselves to come to a place and feel comfortable and wanted but this board is extremely successful in that department.


The people here are very good in the art of showing their happiness but they're also very comfortable showing their sadness in everyday life. It's hard to do that.The people here are more than willing soften the pain of being sad. Sadness only serves one purpose and watching others successfully destroying that sadness and replacing it with care and kindness is a beautiful thing to watch especially when it's successful. So many here have felt extremes in their lives and yet they look forward to having those extremes being put into a neutral area on this board.


The administrators and moderators here allow the freedom of expression to be posted. Many boards don't do that. This board does and that's a true sign of maturity because it allows adults to feel like they're with other adults who are equally complex.

Also, the site owner and administrators are very willing to try out new avenues to make this place even more alluring such as a dating service. True, not everything that's tried out is a success but the best thing is that it was tried out.


Private communications between the people here has shown to be successful. Many times a one on one communication solves a great amount of problems and this board encourages that. On many boards, doing that will make others feel that they're not as important. On this board that doesn't exist.


I'm truly at a standstill right now as far as what else I'd like to put into this post. The thoughts are here but the means to communicate those thoughts is difficult right now.


The last thing I would want to do post this and wind up constantly hitting the edit button to put in things as I remember them so I hope I'm able to communicate the basic feelings I have towards this place and equally towards the great people here. To me, having different kinds of personalized feelings towards members here makes it hard for to do that.


I truly hope that this thread wasn't started because the holidays are just around the corner. I 've felt this way long before Santa and his reindeer were on their way.


I also feel somewhat bewildered......I just don't have any idea why some of the people here would label a mild mannered person such as ME as being sarcastic. Me of all people. I'm totally dumbfounded.


I can say one major thing here though----CONGRATULATIONS.


Love to all here .

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No Dave the tread was not just posted because of the holidays at all. We here are a FAMILY and sometimes people have to say it once and a while. Its like when you are married and after the honeymoon is over you still have to reasure your spouse that the love for them is still strong and real. That is what I was doing reasuring everybody that this is a great place and the reason for that is that the members and the mods,and admin is the reason for its sucsess. You are right that it is a mans and womans place and there seems not to be the so called "CLICKS" here. For the most part we all get along and we also debate. But that is healthy. A family is a group of people that care for one another and will not always see eye to eye om everything. That only happens on the T.V. Could you imagine if the world was really like LEAVE IT TO BEAVER, or THE BRADY BUNCH that would drive me nuts. You need to have disagreements here and there to make it interesting. I only named a few people but there are many others that I can say are true friends. Just because I left out a name they who know who they are dont really need to be anounced to feel appreciated by me or anybody else.

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I want to echo the spirit of this thread...




Happy Holidays to everyone and all the best for a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. :laugh: :)

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I'm terrible with names, I've had so many great replies and words of encouragement (and lots of laughs) from so many of you, I couldn't possibly name every name. Especially right now, Klaus is climbing around on me and really seems determined to check out these KEYS Mommy's hands are so busy with...

So, thank you all - I hope to enjoy coming here just about every day for a long, long time!


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What a thoughtful post Ziggy. Such nice things said about this forum and it's many members. I'm very happy that this group has developed as it has.


I can remember coming here not too long ago. I was looking for a new place to call home. This place was an empty shell of a forum. Little activity and hardly any regular members to speak of.... Soon, with the help of Talon, Judygram, DblHelix, DanMcq and others this place started to take on a personality of it's own. We were getting members joining daily. In just a few months this place ballooned to include more regular members then most sites like this. Members like Tari, Makena, Nevjoe, ILovemygreys, Beccy and other caused this place to grow even more.


A quality board can only exist because of quality members. We are LUCKY that we are driven by the love of the African Grey. It is my belief that African Grey owners are a very special breed. Different then other "pet" owners. You only need to spend a small amount of time here reading the posts to realize this..


I wanted to thank EVERYONE here for making this the absolutely best Grey Forum on the internet. There are Grey sites with a larger Information database, maybe more members, perhaps a better software package running the background services.. BUT THERE ARE NO GREY FORUMS OUT THERE WITH A BETTER MORE CARING BASE OF MEMBERS.. :) :)


I'm happy that I can contribute to this family. You may not see me around as much lately due to personal issues but rest assured that our team of Admins and Moderators are all capable of running this place and have shown to be the best management team in the internet..



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I have to say the same. I love this forum alot.It's a true second family of mine but alot going on in my life alot on my plate and its been hard to be a regular. Im not neglecting the forum I'm just taking priorties first. I try as much as I can to be here, contribute, Sorry I can't do more. I feel guilty of such. For now thats how life is going w/ me. Im trying. Love this group alot. Its the best ! I can't ever get better than this. You guys rock and you are MY ROCK ! Love yaaaaaa !!!!

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