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Goodby to all


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Hey Joe, whats up, are you ok Buddy?


You are a valued member here and I feel a personal freind of mine. As I KNOW others here are VERY close to you too.


Do you have a health issue or possibly something I or We could help you through or with?


Please PM me if it is something too personal Joe!!!

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I haven't been here long, but I've been here long enough to notice what a valuable contributor you are to this forum, and I think you in turn get a lot of value from your friendships with some of the members. No one who cares about you would want to see you give up your participation and friends here. Please reconsider.


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Hi Joe,


I think I can speak for most that this announcement is shocking and we do not want you to leave. You are a valued member here. Many of us are confused as we do not understand why this drastic turn of events? Obviously personal decisions are up to each of us. If you have decided for some reason you must leave we all will respect that, though we would hate to see you go. If there is anything any of us can do please let us know.




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Ok, What the heck is going on ???!!??? Joe, please say this is April Fools. You cant leave us !! We all value your friendship, your wisdom and your passion for this forum.I dont know what happened but we need you and we love you. If you need someone to talk to confide in one of us. You we'll be sadly missed a great deal. I hope you change your mind and hope whatever happened will/can pass and you will stay on board with your family forum. WE ARE FAMILY !! WE LOVE YOU JOE !

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I have gotten to know you very well over the last 5 months. I have spent many nights chatting with you in the IM window. You have given me tons of great advice, not only about birds... but about food, relationship problems, etc. You have always been there for me and I thank you for that.


What I don't understand is how you could just up and leave without any explanation? No PM, no post about it, nothing! Just... this is my last post and I am not coming back... I am having a hard time comprehending this. I am feeling angry, worried and depressed. If nothing else, please let us know that you are ok.


I hope you change your mind... I am shocked you would just walk out on your forum family. You are not the type of person to abandon friends. Just remember this... There are a lot of people here who care about you and will miss you.

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SORRY to all of you who think I’m ill (Maybe in the head) but thank you, I’m fine with my health. I didn’t think this would cause such a stir. You guys have been great to me, and I love you for it, but I need to stay away for a while. No reason to get into my reasons for now, and hope to see you guys in the New Year.

I wish you all a happy holiday season. Love those Kids, grandkids, and Great grand kids that are so dear to you all. I will do the same.


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Guest briansmum

joe it is so sad to see you leave, but you seem to be sure of your reasons. if this is what you feel you need to do then who are we to question it :)


so seasons greetings, have a very merry christmas and a happy new year, i will be thinking of you over the holidays. and i hope dearly you come back in the new year.


much love

beccy and brian

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Hello Joe,


I haven't had a chance to get to know anyone too well yet, but I always enjoy reading your posts you're a bright spot here. Whatever you need to do for awhile, best wishes and I hope you decide to post again whenever you're ready.


I hope if there is a problem you need to deal with it will disappear. See you again maybe. Take care.

joanne xo

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I guess I have not much to say here. I hope you return soon. We will miss your N.Y. humor and all of that sarcasim you have. I will miss talking to you in the early hours of the night. Well I guess I have an advantage Im your son and I see you and talk to you almost everyday. But I will still miss our time on the forum together. We have alot of laughs here and you keep all of us laughing at any givin time. I love you Dad and will miss our time together here.

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