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Greetings & Salutations

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Hi all, just joined! Just got my first baby Grey yesterday. He's a Congo.


Actually he'll be a year old this month, it's his second home - but he's going to be spoiled and loved. He currently only says WOOOO when he sees stuff he likes thusfar, but he copies a few things.


I'm going to work on training him, but first, just let him get used to us first.


Anyway, just saying hi!



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Welcome, Sara! You've come to the right place for info, stories and just plain good folks. I know you'll enjoy it as much as I do, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you about your grey. Seems like the more I hear about others' greys, the more normal mine seems :laugh:


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Hello and welcome to the family, Sarah, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey. What is his name?


I commend you for adopting a rehomed grey, I don't know what the circumstances are that you now have him, but if this can be his last home that would be great, just do what you are doing, let him settle in and get used to his new home.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and if you have specific questions just ask and we will do our best to answer and help you in any way we can.


Is this your first grey or first bird? Do you have any other pets in your household?


If you have a picture you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:P

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Hello and thanks for the well wishes! Zeus is my Grey, he was named that when I got him and I felt that changing it would be mean. Besides, it suits him and he's a very regal boy.


I just got him a couple of days ago and have taken some pics, I'll make a point to upload them tonight...


Currently in our household we have Zeus, a Lovebird named Spring and a Green Cheeked Conure named Chiku Verde. Chiku and Springy get along, although Spring bosses Chiku around.


We also have 2 pets we adopted from the shelter, a bunny named Snowy and a cat named Onyx. I think we have quite enough pets for now. When we have *real* children it will be a breeze because caring for all of this crew is like dealing with a bunch of infants and toddlers, sometimes they can be brats! ((But I wouldn't change it for the world)).


Zeus is my first "large" parrot, but I've been looking into them and wanting one for a couple of years. I didn't want to force it though, and wanted to get some experience with smaller parrots first. And when Zeus's circumstances came along, well - it just fit perfectly!


Again, thanks for the welcome and I have tons of questions which I'll post in the appropriate forums.


~Sarah & the Flock~

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Welcome Sarah!!


Nice to have you here. It sounds like you and Zeus are getting on well and becoming acquainted with one another.


Looking forward to seeing photos of him. -)


It is easiest to post the videos to youtube or photobucket and then place the link to it here in your post.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Just re-reading this forum. It's Zeus's second birthday now. Funny how far he's come in such a short time!


I guess it helps that when he came to us he was not even a year old, so he really didn't have any bad behaviours to change.


Hmm, update... Zeus adores his bathtime. We've taken the advice of people here and gotten the aloe juice. He loves his spray bottle and will make cute noises and say BATHY BATHY when he wants his bath. He also has a big ceramic dog water dish that he uses as his pool (it's shallow) and to dip his butt in when he's having his bathy.


He used to be somewhat shy - he has really come into his own now. Except for the odd crabby day (and I can relate) he seems like a very well adjusted boy. He talks to us and sometimes our friends who come over.


He adores our puppy, but he still hates the other birds. Not sure if that will ever change. I do think that all the birds together in their seperate cages is nice though, they all have each others company to chatter when we're gone.


Anyway, this website is great! I've let other people I know with birds know about it. Keep it up!

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