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He Just Won't Be Quiet !!!!!!!!!! GRRRRR


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Past 3 days now Alcazar won't be quiet. Even when he has the cover over the cage he still is making noise and the kids can't go to sleep or they wake up.All Alcazar does is mumble and mumble. He's mumbling like he wants to talk but its loud !!!!! I go over to him and tell him shhhh because its a routine at naptime.I ask him what it is he's trying to say beneath his breath.Even the daycare kids are telling him to be quiet.He also keeps doing his sexy whistle wooowoo noise and keeps saying hellooo. At night I have no problem, hes fine. Nothing has changed. He seems healthy, he's eating, he's getting the same attention. I don't know what's going on.

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He is practising! Liath talks pretty much non stop too. Personally I love it, and I can tune it out most of the time when I need to do something else (except answer the phone!)


You will find he will start mumbling words soon and once he has them off he will start repeating them over and over again.


Liaths phrase of the week is "CIARAAAAA C'MERE (come here)" (my youngest daughters name). Unfortunately it sounds just like me and Ciara keeps running up the hall saying "YES?"



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Toni wrote:

I go over to him and tell him shhhh because its a routine at naptime. Even the daycare kids are telling him to be quiet.


Toni, I think you just answered your own question, the daycare kids are telling him to be quiet and that is a reaction and he continues to do it for that. You are going to have to ignore the noise before he will quit, or you will have to leave him at home.

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It sounds like your Grey is just being a normal parrot. Parrots are loud at times. Screaming all the time is not normal, but mumbling and chattering is a certainly what they do. Maybe you're expecting too much for him to be very quiet at certain times of the day?


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""""""" I go over to him and tell him shhhh because its a routine at naptime.I ask him what it is he's trying to say beneath his breath.""""""'


So, you have a talk with him. Well, what's his response? Does he give you a good specific explanation or is he just trying to fool you? Does he tell you what his reasoning is? Does it sound legitimate to you or does he just turn his back to you?

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Dave, you are one sarcastic SOB...LOL...your too funny!


I agree with Judy. Any form or attention is attention...even going over to the cage to cover it is attention. I had a Sun that started screaming because my step mom would yell at him to shut up when he would make his normal sounds during the day and it turned into an attention seeking game for him to start screaming. The only way to get it to stop is to ignore all noises you do not want to hear by leaving the room. Now, if he is just a chatty grey and it's not attention getting he wants then your pretty much SOL....but like what Chapala said, it might just be too much to ask for a parrot to be quite on a daycare schedule.

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The funny thing is Josey, my grey, is now telling Sunny, my conure, to shut up when she starts screaming, its a hoot sometimes.


You're right BMustee, attention is attention no matter what it is and I don't imagine Alcazar appreciates it very much being covered up during the daytime either and it won't solve the problem.

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Guest briansmum

yep, best adivice is that already given, ignore unwanted sounds.


but it sounds to me like alcazar has found his voice and you should be encouraging his chatter rather than shushing him. although don't forget he doesnt understand "shhh" he just see's that as a reaction.


try and pick out a few noises you recognise as sounding like words. or pick a word you want him to say and repeat that when he is chatty. this will encourage him to say those to you rather than makeing random noise.


sounds like a happy, noisey boy to me. surely you knew this was comeing? ;):P

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The thing is this is our routine,the daycare kids go down for their 2 hour nap I go to his cage and say shhhh then I cover him and but at bed time/night Igoto him and say good night then cover his cage. This has been our routine since day 1 of him being here.

Yea I am expecting too much.I guess it could be worse, he could be screaming instaed of the chattering and the mumbling.

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Well, He's telling you, your routine does not work for him. It's the middle of the day and even if you cover him, he still knows it.


If this is interrupting your Daycare, then perhaps an alternate and better solution for both your Grey and the children. Would be to purchase another Cage and take him in another room for the children's nap time.


Just make sure there's plenty of toys in the cage for him to play with, food water etc and then he can sing, whistle, blow rasberries at you and talk away :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/12/13 13:46

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