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In the cage/outside the cage trust


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Alcazar sometimes does that. When I go to have him to step up when he needs to go in his cage he tries to bite me. I mean he actually lunges his beak at me. You need to still pursue it show him your the lead of the flock. If you show him you're backing off he'll keep doing it cause thats what he wants you to do.Just say to him in a deeper voice what you want him to do.

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When he's out of the cage, he might be too interested in what there is to explore out there to be bothered with you.

Klaus doesn't have one set mood. Some days he wants to be petted so much I'm afraid we're going to wear out his feathers. Other days he'd rather not. Some days he's completely mellow, on others he's frisky.

Hopefully I'm not wrong, but I figure they've got their moods, just like we do...

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I've never had Josey grab a hold of the cage bars to keep from stepping up on my hand to come out of the cage. She steps up every time and if she does not come immediately to the door when I open it I leave her alone for a minute or two and then she comes over to the door to come out.


I think Cosmo feels safe in his cage and is reluctant to come out of that safety zone of his cage. Maybe he will do better at it when he learns to trust you more, Jimmy, so be patient with him for a while.

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I'm trying, he is starting to trust me a lot when he is in the cage like I said I can touch his wings, feet, beak, head neck and chest and he doesn't mind at all. Outside of the cage he doesn't really let me. I guess is what I was trying to ask is, if outside the cage trust just comes in time?

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  • 6 months later...

I beleive it does, have you tried using a treat holding your hand between the treat and him so he has to step up to get to the treat. Every now and then Harry tries to walk around my hand but will do almost anything for a honey coated bannana treat. :P

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  • 1 month later...

personal experience is when you're just starting your relationship with your bird, forget about inside the cage step-ups, at this point, it's just not going to happen.

the bird doesn't trust you, and the step-up command isn't entrenched enough so that it is automatic, so really, reaching into the safe domain of his cage right now isn't going to work. when he's really, really, really attached to you and looks forward to being out and about with you, then maybe you can step him up from inside his cage. right now, let him come out on his own, and just hang out, work on the step-ups. when he gets to a point where he loves you, loves being out and about, and knows the step-up very well, then you can introduce a little routine that will put you in charge of the flock, plus reinforce stepping up as a good thing.

step one is to stop letting your bird out on his own, if he wishes to come out, make sure he knows he must step-up to leave his cage, do not let him just clamber out of his cage on his own anymore.

wait for a time where he's really eager to come out and play, offer your hand and if he steps up, give him lots of praise and then perhaps you can start practing inside the cage step ups daily after that.

if he doesn't step up, close the cage, walk away and give him a few minutes, then try again. he'll soon catch on that to come out and play he must step up on your hand from in his cage.

but you are not at that point yet, so don't worry about it. good luck.

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