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cage and toy cleaning


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Ok, this maybe a dumb question, but I was cleaning the cage and perch today and noticed that (stupid me moved a rope perch over a wooden one) that Charlie left droppings on the wood perch. How do you clean those? I can't imagine I can soak it, wouldn't it warp the wood? Would just a damp cloth be enough?


Same thing w/ his seperate perch/stand. The toys hang below it. I've been just swapping out 'dirty' ones for 'clean' ones. The acrylics are easily tossed in the dishwasher after a good rinse. But what about the ones that are wooden or rawhide? The one I'm particularly interested in right now is just one of those rawhide rainbow colord strips stacked up on a 'kabob' w/ a bell on the end. Do I trash them (he's never even touched it) or is there a good way to clean them?

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I'm with LMG--That's what I do except I don't use disinfectant. I put warm water on them, push off the excess lumpy dumpys with my hqnd and then take a rough sponge and wipe off the rest and rinse. I do it on playstands, cage perches and whatever else the birds own that they take a dump on.

PS--I prefer using the Olay soap as opposed to Camay or Jergens soaps because the birds have such delicate claws and legs,especially my female greys. I wouldn't wanna upset them. The males are also aware of what the females have on.<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/11/27 22:18

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I have been know to scrub off the chunks and then stick them in the Dishwasher too....When I wash them up in the sink I put them in the microwave to get them good and dry....But watch out they are hot after and need to sit and cool for a little while after...



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I use anti-bacterial soap and hot water on wood perches (manzanita wood) all the time. I've never tried soaking them but I don't think it would harm them. It may cause a problem with some of the soft woods. So I guess it depends on the type of wood. And as with all of your cleaned toys, just make sure you rinse them thoroughly after cleaning.

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A product called Poop-Off works AMAZING! I love this stuff and tell everyone to try it. I just looked at the website and found they sell wipes, and I know how there are a lot of people on this site that use baby wipes so I bet these would be even better/safer.



"Poop-Off ® is the number one recommended bird dropping remover in the world. Three years to formulate and three years of testing were needed to guarantee a safe product around all avian species. The product is so safe it is used by the world famous San Diego Zoo, respected avian breeders and bird lovers. Poop-Off ® contains no-contents that have been found to be dangerous to birds such as chemicals, solvents, orange oil, detergent, citrus fragrances, alcohol or bleach. Safe to use with the bird inside the cage. Non-Toxic & Bio-Degradable. "


62005_poopoffwipes.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/11/28 17:59


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judy I've got one of the scunci steamers. I've seen some really nice other ones in bird talk but they aren't cheap and my scunci works pretty good for me. One thing about steam cleaners though is the really seem to amplify the smell of things. I use it to clean the bathroom and man when you get in around the toilet you better be ready.:sick:

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I just use hot water and a scrubby sponge. I found out the scrubby sponge does a good job on my leather couch when I discover poop that had previously gone unnoticed (and is now dried). The couch is fairly trashed anyway (from the dog) so I figured, "What the heck?" I got the scrubby sponge wet with hot water and gently rubbed it on the leather couch. Viola! Took it off without scratching the couch...

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I also use Poop Off. I buy it at the local Avian Parrot shop. Poop off is non toxic to birds, and it just melts away the poop. It comes in a spray bottle or one with a scrubber on the top. Then you just buy a big gallon refill bottle, and keep refilling the spray or scubber bottle. I just use paper towels after I let it soak a couple minutes, it wipes right off.


I used to use simple green, because when I had dogs, I knew it was non toxic. So, I still use it to clean out the tray on the bottom, since the bird can't get to that part and it's less expensive than poop off, which I use on the perches and the cage bars, and the grate on the bottom of their cage that they walk on.


I stay away from soaps that may have fragrances or residue. I also don't put hot water on wood perches, because wood is porous and can harbor bacteria, from water. Just my opinion.


On the toys, I have put the rope toys and curly perches into the dishwasher all by themselves after soaking them in poop off. I don't use any dishwasher detergent, it's toxic for the birds. But the temperature gets so hot in there, it'll kill anything living in the rope toy. But then, you gotta get it totally dry b4 putting it back in the cage. So, if you have a dryer with a sweater or shoe rack that'll work great. I don't have one, so I have to put them outside to dry in the sun. Needless to say, all the rope perches are out of the cages right now, because of this problem.

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