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Sand Perches


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Hi everyone! When I brought Baby home, she had several perches and toys in her cage. I was showing a picture of her to a bird store owner/boarder/rescuer and she was adamant that I take out the sand and pumice ones. I did it and replaced with some others but she really seemed to love rubbing her beak on those….and they are marketed as being for that purpose and for greys….what are your thoughts on the topic?

Thank you !!!

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Glad you removed those perches!  You've felt your grey's feet skin, and know you wouldn't want to stand on sandpaper barefoot either!  My grey actually had thin red areas on his feet when I adopted him from such perches being used.  Healed well, thankfully. 

My concern with parrots rubbing their beaks on such surfaces is that while yes, it smooths their beaks - a compulsive parrot could thin/weaken their beak if the behavior was done too often.  Mine all rubbed their beaks on their wooden perches and that worked fine.  Trust me, your girl will scrape/clean her beak on her wooden perches or toys.  And you'll know the joy of scraping off the food goo they will leave behind. 

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Alfie rubs his beak on everything, cage bars, toys, perches... it's mostly just to clear anything that's stuck to his beak.

It's best to get a variety of perches that are different sizes and materials. This helps to exercise your parrots feet as they move around the cage.

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Thank you! I currently have 4 perches in there….all different lengths and widths, some curvy, some straight, and 2 are the edible kind. She definitely seems more content now that it’s been some time without the old set up…perches and clutter of toys….especially because she LOVES to swing upside down from the top of her cage so now she has plenty of room to swing as much as she wants! 

I really appreciate you!

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Sounds like a great setup!

Greys can be notoriously change adverse at times so they sometimes take a little while to adjust to changes or new things. But it sounds like she is settling in just fine with you and her new cage setup!

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