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From what I understand, Greys are very smart birds. And everything I read states they need plenty of toys to keep them occuppied. But what I don't get, is that most of the bird toys I find are chew toys. That just doesn't seem very entertaining to me. Our bird Charlie, just doesn't seemed all that interested in the chew toys. Granted he does enjoy chewing up the wicker like strips.


How do you guys 'play' with your bird? What kind of interactive toys do you use w/ them?


They only thing we've learned w/ charlie, is that he seems to enjoy dropping things so we'll pick it up. Over and over again. (And I thought I was finally done playing that game since my 3yr and 5yr old out grew it!) The kids enjoy doing it for him though. He likes doing it w/ marbles the most, sometimes he'll drop them in a metal food bowl to hear it clang.


So lets hear it, how do you play?

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Hours and hours of just playing. Ziggy loves to be played with while on my shoulder. I grab his beak and just hold it and he gets a little mad ( I love to tease him). He loves to go on the table and play with anything on it. You know chewing is very healthy. They need to consantly sharpen there beaks and exersice there jaws.

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Destroying something may seem like no fun to us but to them is great fun, and like Ziggy mentioned the chewing sharpens their beaks and strengthens their jaw muscles. It gives them something to do to occupy their time and keep them from becoming bored, for a bored bird lots of times becomes a plucked bird.

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Tips on playing with your bird



Start the new year with some healthy habits!


Spending quality time with your feathered loved one is very important. It has many benefits. Quality playtime is enriching for you as well as your pet bird. It provides mental stimulation and bonding. I couldn't think of a better way to spend time than to interact with my flock.


Here are some tips and ideas for you to play with your flock.


**"Dropsies" **

When your bird is in a mischievous mood, they will sometimes drop their toys on purpose. My first response to this is to associate the drop with an "UH OH!". You bird will eventually pick up on this word

and start using it. Secondly, this is a part of interacting with your bird. He/she is trying to tell you to "Come play with me!" Your bird is thinking "I drop it. Mom/Dad comes and picks it up." Birds will go on for hours with this game!


**Catch Anyone?**

Who says a bird cant play catch?? Well maybe not with a real ball but you CAN with a Terry Cloth Ball or a small Wiffle Ball (ball with holes in it). Item needs to be able to be gripped by their beaks. Specifically I have a terry cloth ball that I use to play catch with my grey Oliver. He gets very excited when I come out with the ball. He knows "ITS SHOWTIME!".


First you want to ensure your bird is not fearful of the ball. Reserve the initial playing sessions for 5-10 minute intervals so that your bird will get accustomed to the game. This builds trust and enthusiasm for the next play session. Gently and slowly roll the ball to your bird. Don't be discouraged, if at first, your bird doesn't know what to do. They will at first watch you and your reactions, so be sure to be enthusiastic and talk to your bird. Tell him the name of the game and be consistent so they learn the phrase. They will eventually start to roll the ball back to you. Then before you know it he/she will pick it up and fling it at

you! That is when the fun really begins!


Be sure you try to read your bird's body language if he/she is adapting to the game and wanting more before attempting the next play session. Please take note of your birds playful moments so you learn

these types of body language. This will help aid in so many things.


**Dancing & Let's Get Crazy!**

Ok so not everyone is an expert at dancing. I certainly am not! So I draw the shades (VBG) and turn on a song that has a good beat to it (Our favorite CD is Banaphone by Raffi). Now, turn up the volume so your bird gets into the rhythm. Are you keeping an open mind? Ok now is where the fun begins! In front of your pet bird, start to sway and sing (don't worry the neighbors wont hear you). Swing your arms to the music and clap and bounce. Before you know it your bird will be dancing right with you.


My Oliver LOVES Banaphone so much, when I ask him "Do you want to hear Bananaphone?" he will nod so incessantly that his body bounces then he skips from side to side! Honest! If you have some song favorites, bring your bird in the room. He will love to join you in a song festival! Whatever your choice in songs, I believe he/she will love to listen and sing right along with you!**Peek A Boo**

An old but GREAT favorite! Peek A Boo can be played anywhere. In your bedroom, in the family room, in their cages. This one is a personal favorite for me! You can take a small plain towel that is light in color (some birds do not like patterns on some towels). And between you and your bird, you hold it up and say "Where are you?" in a high tone. Drop the towel, and say "PEEK A BOOOO, I SEEEEE YOU!"

With my little Grey, he will not wait for the towel to come down. He flies on top of the hand towel and says "PEEK A BOO". They certainly are precious aren't they?!


**Nite Nite**

Yes, all good things must come to an end. Well why not read a nice book with your bird before bedtime. This will relax both you and your pet bird. Some ideas are children's books, poems, a nice novel, passages from the bible, the ideas are endless!


It is a good to get into a routine with your bird at bedtime. This aids in an enjoyed time together. Birds are flock animals and they thrive on the attention we give them. It helps in establishing a wonderful bond between humans and birds.


**Gonna Getcha**

Another favorite! This is especially great when trying to accustom your bird to your fingers and touching in areas they may not appreciate so much.


Game can be played anywhere you like (i.e. bed, table, on top the cage). Take your fingers and run them like a spider would and say "I'm gonna GETCHA!" and emphasize the GETCHA! They usually go running away from you but within seconds they are back for round 2!


Once your bird is used to this surprising game, you can start exploring new areas. For example, try to touch his/her belly or beak gently when emphasizing GETCHA. This gets to be a "hands on" type of game in getting your bird involved in you touching him in certain areas they may not be accustomed to.

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Hi Kek,


My Bella is only marginally interested in chewing at this time, but she loves walnuts and she loves looking for things. So, I have one little toy which hangs on her playtop that I fill with walnuts and she has to balance to open it, and flip the top off to get them. I also make little foraging cups out of dixie cups and hang them in different places all over the cage. Some I cover up with another dixie cup and run the string though both so she has to figure out the opening part, and then others I just put shiny rocks, but no walnuts, to keep her looking. I also have a little box with a latch that I bought at Michael's. We started with the walnuts on top of the box, then walnuts holding the box open, and then walnuts inside the box, and then walnuts inside with the latch closed. She really enjoyst fussing with the box!


I also bought her a parrot abacus. She can't count yet, but she sure enjoys moving the big colorful shapes back and forth.


I also have a hanging rubber ball that has holes in it. I put carrots and celery sticks in it and hang it from the cage roof. Bella has to climb and balance to get the carrots. She gets really mad about getting the carrots that when she gets the ball finally she attacks it and growls fiercely!


I also play pull the beak with her, we do tickles, and many kisses, and right now she's tearing up the paper towel in may hand and my conure is trying to pull the keys off my keyboard, so I better stop before my computer takes a dive!

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Making foraging cups is a neat idea! Charlie has a toy that hangs, and he's got to lift the top to get the treats inside, he loves that. I think it's more the treats he likes though ;)


Do they really play and learn to count w/ abacus's (I have no idea how to pluralize that word LOL) I'm starting to wonder if he knows how to count. My 5yr old earlier was asking me what 2 was (don't know why) and I replied 2, then he asked what 20 was, and I said 20, then Charlie yelled out of the blue 22! Then my son said 23, then Charlie yelled 24! Shocked me! Haven't been able to get him to do it since though.

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Ha! It sound like Charlie was taught to count sometime in the past and you guys just triggered that thinking ability to come out. It sounds like he enjoys and welcomes it. Familiar things like that are great when you accidentally stumble upon them like you have :-)


This smart fellow may need more advanced games and chats than anyone suspected B)


But, they do love playing the drop and you pick it up game :-)


They also love chasing after balls and nailing them as others have said.


Aren't they just amazing?? :-)

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I've seen those basketball sets and the roller skates for birds, that would be so funny to see them on those roller skates or even a skateboard. Reminds me of the amazon that was in Home Alone 3 that was riding a remote controlled car with a white rat, "Rat overboard, rat overboard":laugh:

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Guest briansmum

i've seen the birdie rollerskates and basketball too, i plan on gettin a basketball but the skates seem a little too "circus" for me.


brian also LOVES to play fetch, whereby he throws something (the louder the bang the better) and i fetch. as well as "got the bird" although this can only be done if your bird doesn't mind being touched.


i start my moveing my hand to him slowly and going for his wing or his "tummy" saying GOT THE BIRD, he responds by charging at my hand and sitting on it, beaking (but not biting) my fingers, then i say "oh you've got me". we go on like this for ages, then he really lets go any starts rolling over on his back and swinging from my hand. he makes loads of "wheee, woooow" noises during this time, don't ask me why, i didn't teach him them LOL


so if you have a close relationship with your bird, this is a great bonding game for both of you.


also a small tupperware tub of foot toys, bottle caps, wooden blocks etc is fun. let your grey take them out and fling them, and you put them back. i make a big fuss and say "PUT IT BACK!" and brian will throw them all out then sit there looking at me and waiting for me to put them all back again. needless to say, i get bored before he does. :)

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Awww, sounds like lots of fun. Where do you do this, on the floor, a table? I wonder if this is what Oliver is doing when he flings his finger (foot) food (like carrots, bread, etc)? Sometimes I'll pick it up and give it back to him and he'll fling it again. I think maybe it partly has to do with him not particularly liking the food he's flinging, but also maybe it's a game of fetch and I'm too dim to realize it? Now that I think about it, he has done it with his saucer, too. I put his meals on a saucer and sometimes he'll pick the saucer up and fling it. It doesn't go far, but it does make a racket!

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