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Grey forum family ties


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Hello fellow members,

I would like to start by saying that we here in this forum are like a family. There are times you love one another and then there are times that we are not going to see eye to eye. We will take everybodys opinion and take that into consideration before we post a reply. What happened in the training room about the EAR BITTING tread was a good way to see how a true family works. We as a whole all stuck together and made sure that there are things that we will not tolerate period. Abuse is a very serious matter. I think that I speak for the most that we will not take it lightly. A joke is a good thing if it is in GOOD TASTE!! and not in bad taste. I love a good joke as much as the next person, but when a member crosses the line of good and bad there is just no other way in opinion to forgive that person.Everyone of us will see things in a differant way. We should all respect that. This tread literally ruffled alot of feathers in here. We as a whole forced a member to leave because we will not take that kind of behavior. Most members here are not going to see eye to eye on EVERYTHING, but in the big picture we will stand up for the one thing that is important to all of us here. I know that we joke at one another and we kid around but we are all true animal lovers here. When a member get a new pet what do they do, they post pictures for the family to see there new bundle of joy. Whether you rescue a pet or buy a baby we all love to see the addition to your home. We also know that that pet will be loved as if it were a member of your family. We also feel bad when a member losses a pet. The member postes a tread that they lost a pet so we can console that person. There not looking for attention or feel that they just want to talk. They post because they want us the FAMILY to be involved and to show our compation toward each other. Please lets not make this into a forum that is filled with politics. Politics are for other forums that just dont care about each other. I will say it is a great thing that we have debates, This shows us that we are human and we are going to be opinionated at times and one sided, but we still can respect the others opionion. We still have to remember that sometimes. We also need to remember that we are all here because we love the animals, and if we didnt love animals we would not have got them in the first place. Some treat there bird as a family member and some treat them as a token, what ever they are they ALL NEED TO BE TREATED WITH RESPECT AND LOVE!!!.<br><br>Post edited by: ziggy, at: 2007/11/29 06:23

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