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Vet question


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I have to take my 1 year old female African Grey to the Vets for her 1 st appointment. She has chewed off half of 2 flight feathers and needs the bottoms to be removed. My question is should I be in the room with her when this happens or is it best not to be there. I’m thinking if she gets stressed she will remember me been in the room with her and possibly hold a grudge for the situation I’ve put her in. On the other hand, if I’m not in the room and she sees me after her visit she will be grateful I came to her rescue. Please advise. 
Cheers, Steve

Edited by Steevo
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Unless the vet advises against it, I stay with my parrots.  And when the vet is through, I become the hero.  It's a rescue scenario -- mean vet does stuff to this poor little parrot - but -- then her loving wonderful human 'rescues' her from the vet.  Can't promise it always works that way, but with my guys, that was nearly always the case.  Mine literally clung to me for snuggles after the vet exam, while shooting evil looks at the vet!  Your girl should associate most of the bad experience to the vet and the office with strange smells.  You will likely be her hero... and if for some reason you aren't -- she'll just have to get over the experience at home while you pamper her.

(Hoping she won't come home with medicine or wound cleanings -- that won't win you any points!)

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3 hours ago, Timbersmom said:

That's a tough one. I stay with Timber and it doesn't seem to hurt our relationship. I thought the same as you when I took him to the vet the first time, but decided he would prefer I was "there for him" regardless of the circumstances.

Thanx, it’s a question I just had to ask. Will be there with her today and let you know the outcome. 😃

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After reading your post I’m definitely going into the Vets with my girl. I’ll also be concentrating on more toys and things for her to chew and shred. Ide been off work for 2 weeks over Xmas spending most of my time with her and now I’m back at work she’s very clingy when I get home. I’m starting to wonder if so much time with my girl might also have contributed to her feathers been chewed. Anyways, I’m sure she will be feeling much better after today’s visit and fingers crossed this feather chewing won’t ever happen again. I hope I do end up been her knight in shining armour when I rescue her from the Vet. Ide much prefer been her hero than her lunch. Thanx again for all your help. 
Cheers, Steve 🦜😃

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I wish I had asked more questions in your feather plucking thread!  Every time you post there is new relevant information. 

So, she's moulting, had a run in with a ladder AND there have been changes at home.  And she turns out to be a youngster.  I'm glad she's going to the vet-- that's a LOT of stuff going on that could influence her feather chewing: from being uncomfortable in her moult, to her possibly trying to repair a feather injury herself, to even a possible behavioural issue with you suddenly not being home all day.  And it could be a combo of 2 or all three things going on at once.  Like, wow. 

Please, be sure to mention ALL these factors to your vet so he has full information to start with!  

Hoping for a really good vet diagnosis.  Bless your little girl! :) 

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I always go into the room with Alfie. The vet will let him out of his cage whilst he talks to me about any issues or what he's there for. Alfie will inevitably fly around the room and seek a hiding spot away from the vet. The vet will wait for him to settle somewhere, scoop him up in a towel and and take him away into the back room and I'm left to wait in the initial exam room. When Alfie comes back I get to 'rescue' him from the big bad vet. He's usually quite glad to see me!

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2 hours ago, neoow said:

I always go into the room with Alfie. The vet will let him out of his cage whilst he talks to me about any issues or what he's there for. Alfie will inevitably fly around the room and seek a hiding spot away from the vet. The vet will wait for him to settle somewhere, scoop him up in a towel and and take him away into the back room and I'm left to wait in the initial exam room. When Alfie comes back I get to 'rescue' him from the big bad vet. He's usually quite glad to see me!

I went into the Vets with Matilda and just like you said I discussed the issues with the Vet. The Vet then took her away to treat her and when she came back she was all over me and very clingy. She’s doing really well now. I’m so happy I could help her. 

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