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Pink skin above eyes


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Hi all,

I've noticed that Alfie has developed some pinkness on his skin above his eyes. It seems to be on both sides but one side looks slightly worse than than the other.

The eyes themselves are bright and there is no discharge or anything abnormal. He's eating, drinking, flying, playing, making noises and acting normally. No change in poops either.

The only change recently is that I bought an avian UVB lamp a few weeks back and he has that on for 8 hours every day above his cage. I put it at the right height according to the instructions and its directly above his perch. Do you think this could be the cause?

I've seen smaller patches of pink on his skin before where he's managed to ding himself in the face with a toy but this has lasted a few days now and doesn't seem to be letting up.

Do you think I should be worried?

I've attached a photo but not sure how well you can see it. It's above and slightly to the right of his eye.20200415_214742.thumb.jpg.d8f75d99acc8ba56ece9530ae147a15a.jpg

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Its a zoo med avian sun lamp.


I followed the instructions and it says to keep it higher for the first two weeks to allow the bulb to burn in. I have left it higher than it said and haven't moved it down yet. It has been there over a month . It is on for 8 hours a day split into two four hour chunks as it was recommended to give him a break from it during the day. So its on for 4 hours, off for two, on for four.

He also went outside in the aviary at the weekend, but only on one day and for half a day. He has a cover over the aviary that partially blocks some of the sun so he doesn't roast out there. He was under that all day so wasn't sat in full sun.

I might leave the lamp off for a day or two and see if it starts to heal. I'm a bit worried I've done some damage. 😔

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I've been using the avian sun lamp for several years and haven't had any problems. However, I remember someone here on the forum a few years ago saying their grey got a bad sunburn from the light so it's possible I suppose. On the other hand, Timber has scratched himself on that area (either with his talon or an object) and left a mark for a few days. No real advice here but it was Timber I'd just keep an eye on it.

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That's the only thing I can think of so I'll rule it out by leaving it off for a couple of days or so and see if things start to clear up. I can't put it any further away from his cage as it's already on a table and touching the ceiling! I deliberately put it higher than the recommendations as he's never had one before. So it's currently sitting higher than the suggested height for the initial two week 'burn in' period and has been there for over a month. Alfie's skin has only started changing (from what I could see) in the last few days to a week. He loves sitting under it as well, so it's not like he's only just started using it in the last few days. He took to it straight away.

I only mentioned the outside aviary as it was a warm sunny day and that's the only other thing outside of his usual routine that's happened - but  it was only about 19 degrees centigrade. He was out there for about 4 or 5 hours and it's only been the once. He also went out in his backpack carrier for a walk with me- but that was only for an hour and the carrier is quite sheltered.

Alfie has managed to ding and dent himself several times from toys (he plays rough!! 😂) but this is different, this isn't a cut or usual marking. It does look more like a sun burn.. if that's possible for parrots.

If it doesn't start to improve in the couple of days or starts getting worse then I'll get him to the vet to be on the safe side.

If it does clear up then maybe I'll rethink the lamp positioning and put it over a lower perch in his cage. Maybe start on a reduced schedule as well and see how he gets on. But I'll wait to see what happens and make sure it does properly heal first before I turn it back on.

I feel so guilty!

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I used this lamp for 2 weeks, and Talon had a red burn around her eye from it, however it was a vet trip and eye drops for 7 days with no improvement, as the vet thought it was an infection...turned out it wasn’t , it was burned from the light and I kept it far above her...needless to say, I threw it out!

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Blimey, that is worrying. I have removed the lamp for now and it does look like it is healing.

I might take it up with the manufacturer. Northern Parrots is only one of many retailers who sell it. I think I actually might have bought it from Scarlett's Parrot Essentials anyway, now that I think about it. But I've seen it sold elsewhere too. I think I'll contact the company I bought it from as well as the manufacturer to highlight my concerns.


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