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Huey the fakester


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 Huey has been sitting around watching and listening to my wife and then me cough, cough, cough and....cough some more.  He has also seen us go for the medicine bottles which we have been keeping in a built-in bookcase.   No birdy has ever taken an interest in getting up in the bookcase until now.   Huey now sits around and coughs and coughs and has found his way into the bookcase and zero'd in on the pill bottles.   Apparently we're supposed to believe he is sick now too and needs meds 🤪     So the pill bottles except one have been removed.   Now Huey attempts to take his meds and hopefully we'll get him through this 'sickenss'.  Poor Huey ::eyerolls::





Edited by SRSeedBurners
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Too funny about Huey.  NOT funny you guys are sick -- hope you get better soon!  And hope Huey can forget his coughing routine.  Of course, the more you wish a parrot would stop a routine, the more they do it!  lol

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