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Getting parrot back into cage


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Hi there every one. Really dont know how to find my way round this site. ( New to computers ) So dont even know if Im writing this in the right place. So hope you will excuse me if this comes up wron g. Anyway I have a qustion regarding how do you get your parrot to go back in the cage with out a figh. We have had our Timneh nearly two weeks and he is gorgeous but the one prob we have is that he will use everytrick in the book not to re enter his house. We have tried everything rewards, enticing, you name it we done it (or maybe not). In the end (and i dont know if this is right or terribly wrong we put a towell over him to get him back in feel so cruel doing this as he yells a lot. So if anyone out there could give me some advice I will really appreciate this. Many many thanks to you all xxxx

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Hi Heather,


This is the right place. Your doing great :-)


In regards placing your new Grey back in his Cage...Does he step up for you? If so, simply firmly, but not too tight, hold his Talons between your thumb and finger he is riding on. That way he can not jump or fly off as you are placing him back in the Cage.


Is it possible to pick him up with your hands, one on each side of his body and carry him to his Cage?


Lastly, would he step up onto a perch you could carry him back to his Cage with?

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many thanks for your reply. yes he does step up for us but on doing this when approaching the cage flies off and if we hold his talons gently he just pecks and screams so am really frightening him I guess. In fact he is so determined not to go in...that on seeing my husband (who actually towels him) he is now becoming extremely aggresive towards him. I suppose it is just a matter of patience but when it comes to midnight and our little boy still not wanting his sleep this becomes really frustrating. But that is great of you to reply . Really think this site is going to help as only ever kept budgies in the past and our little timneh is somewhat more of a wonderful handfull. XXXX

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Ah ok, it's great that he steps up for you. You must get him used to you holding his Talons. You can practice that at times you are just holding him or carrying him, but not to his cage. That way, when you do carry him to the Cage he should be used to it and you will have control over him not being able to fly off.


This is this most important part. You mentioned you become fearful, I know it's hard, but he can sense your fear. If at all possible, you need to be confidant and determined to accomplish placing him back in his cage. He will be able to detect your confidence as well :-)


I would stop using the Towel since he is obviously frightened by it and is starting to associate your husband with it.


You can work on him getting used to Towels by just having one on your leg or on the arm of a chair your sitting in when he is with you. This will slowly desensitize him of the Towel.

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There's probably something in the cage or the cage itself or something next to the cage that is scaring him. Does he act normal after he gets in the cage or does he avoid something in the cage? Greys can be frightened by some of the oddest things. It may look like a toy to you or me but to a Grey it might look frightful. I would investigate his cage, the stuff in the cage, and the cage surroundings for something that is frightening him. Danmcq's advice about gently holding his talons is good advice. If he attempts to nip your hand or fingers, just roll your arm slightly just enough to tip his balance forward. He'll naturally raise his head to balance himself which automatically moves his beak away from your fingers. You don't need to shake your hand. Just gently roll it forward.

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Thank for that. Actually I see what you mean there. For the first week we had him in a cage that was lent to us from the breeder where we got him from.. So his new home in fact only arrived about six days ago. (cor am I stupid or what ? ) I guess Im trying to run before I can walk. I really do have loads and loads of questions ....Looking through this brilliat site I just never envisaged that a grey is just to intelligent. I have a lot to learn. So thank you everyone for your patience.....and I really hope that I dont become a pain in the bum xxxx

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See if you can figure out why he doesn't want to go back to the cage - does he want to stay with you for the attention? Doesn't want to be locked in, then left alone? Afraid of something in or around the cage? or some other reason.


If he's not afraid, I would try a special reward - Kali will do just about anything for nuts (almonds, walnuts). If you can figure out what his very favorite treat is, remove it from his daily food, and use it only when you put him back in the cage. Let him see you putting the treat in the food bowl. After he goes in the cage, try staying close, maybe rubbing his head through the bars (after he's finished the treat of course), talking to him, sitting by him for awhile, so he doesn't feel abandoned if that was happening.


Takes some thinking to figure out the best thing to do. Good luck, and let us know how it goes!


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I had this problem of getting my CAG back into his cage.


1 way that worked for me was to put her favorite food in the cage and wait for her to go get it :)


The other way was to simply chase her around the outside of the cage until she went into the door.

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Thank you so much for your advice. Have to say he behaving impecably ! well in the last two days. . Can now get him into his cage without squarking or stress . Husband has no wounds ! In fact they getting on great. Brilliant site XXXXXXX Thankyou all again again for your encouragement and advice. XXXX

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Hi Heather - It's great to hear he is accepting going back into the cage now.


It's more like he was just fearful of the new cage for a few days, I believe??


Inquiring minds need to know the answer ;-) We all learn from them and Kibibi's zeroing in on this "New cage" seemed to be the issue at hand :-)


Greys are truly picky of there home and surroundings, one little change and SOME of them can become VERY freaked out for no apparent reason!! That's where detective work sets in and you must determine what has changed that is possibly causing the odd behaviour all of a sudden.

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  • 2 months later...

I am having the same problem. My Bently doesnt know how to climb back in. Its like he is afraid to climb down the side to go in through the large door. My cage does not have a top opening. I let him out 2 days ago and after a few hours I wanted him back in. After trying , he startd flying around the house. I grabbed a baby blanket and picked him up with it and talked gently to him as I did it. He seemed scared after that and got really quiet and groweled at us for a while every time we got near the cage.Then he got ove it and was fine. Well, yesterday he was afraid to come out of the cage, but he eventually did. This time I wanted him to climb in alone, but he didnt and it was almost bed time. He would try, but seemed scared and would give up. We tried the step up method, but he doesnt know that trick yet. I had my hand up to his chest and he would lick it and pinch my fingers ever so slighlty. Once I saw he was tired, I explained I had to use the baby blanket and he stood still and let me. Problem is he didnt want to let go of the cage. Well he finally did and he was pinching my finger hard....but still not hard enough to draw blood. He them was fine, drank water , ate and was his happy chirpy self.(no growling this time!) Is it possible that this is going to be the routine everyday I put him back in the cage?

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Hi Yvette,


Well it sounds like the good news, is he isn't afraid of your hands, since he lets you press against his chest and he just licks you. :-)


It is amazing to me that he does not know how to step up. But, since he doesn't, will he let you just cup him in your hands and gently pick him up?


You will need to practice step up by getting him on to your hand and then bringing up your other hand from underneath so he must step up on it. Then say "Step-up" everytime the transition takes place. It will take some patience and time, but they are smart and will get the idea very quickly. :-)

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