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If you need a good morning smile


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She is so sweet.   Of course she can have a cookie and go up to the tree 😍    Around here 'cookie' means the honey graham crackers.  I've never met a bird yet that didn't like those.    Not sure if you've ever heard of the Grey 'Rosalinda' on youtube/facebook.   Inara talks in such a sweet voice just like Rosalinda.  Kills me everytime I watch her and now Inara too.  These birds could talk me into robbing a bank with that sweet voice.

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@SRSeedBurners Right?! Her voice is all her own, and so sweet (most of the time. . .).  It is 6:40 a.m here and she is on her big tree shouting: Hey Sweetie! Joes!  -- trying to get Joe to get up. I am sure he now has a pillow over his head.

I will have to look up Rosalinda.  I love watching other birds. And oh my god if you had her she would be spoiled even more than she is now!! LOL  My Joe loves watching you and Miss Gracie Mae (forgive spelling before coffee this morning). He gets wistful that your Miz G is such a physical character and so fun. HRH is a lover with words, but aloof physically other than loving to just perch on Joe for a couple of hours every night before bed as he surfs on his laptop.

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