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New baby cag, attacking toys


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Hi all

I have a new baby cag, she/he (not sure of sex yet) is growling at and attacking her toys. I find it adorable and hilarious but not sure if this wI'll lead to bad behavior. Can someone please let me know. 



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Hello and welcome to you and your baby! I am a rehomer so don't have experience with baby greys. I will say that adults will growl and give their "primal scream" when attacking toys My guess is it is normal behavior. If you have had a puppy, they growl when attacking a chew toy at times. I would say it's normal behavior. I'm sure someone with baby experience will chime in. Post some pics of you baby, we love pictures!

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Thanks guys ☺. Was hoping it was normal behavior as she is so adorable when she does it. She seems like she is having so much fun, I would hate to have to deter her from it.

Today she took her first flight from my counter to my couch. I'm such a proud mommy 😆

Will send some pics soon.

Thanks again!

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