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A Grey's thoughts


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I don't have much time anymore to post, just lucky enough to help keep the place running, I hope no one faults me for that.

But I was sitting here thinking watching Sukei tonight, and some of the things he said, and it got me to wondering.


For those of you that don't know, long story short, Sukei is a rescue bird taken from the African Jungle, he now resides with me in the US.

He said "Daddy home.... where home"

Might have been gibberish, but I thought.....


Maybe he is still wondering, what the F happened to him, and how far the memory goes back.

All I can think of is the PBS shows where they show the thieves sweeping through the jungles and sometimes even stealing these guys right out of there nests.


Then they have to survive the trip in a box with 15 or so parrots with no food or water for the week trip to the Middle East.

If there lucky enough to survive and find someone to take care of them, do you think they blame them (the person who saves and takes care of them?) 


I dunno, the thought occurred to me, even though he seems to be more intelligent (Having a deep gene pool) sometimes I think he remembers, and what does he remember.


For all intensive purposes, his life span in the jungle, might have been 20 years, maybe.


Here he gets the high quality food, and fruit and vegetables and protection from predators.


On the other hand in the Middle East, those pricks (Excuse me) throw them in a cage and feed them sunflower seeds for ever, never letting them out.


I guess the real question is, with a good quality of life, and free flight, and proper nutrition, what do they think? Or can they even reason that far?


I duno, I just got to feeling a little bit guilty for nothing I did but rescue him, and hope he understands.


He sems happy 90% of the time, but when he gets pissed, I wonder.


Just rambling, any ways, hope you guys and your domestic Greys are doing ok.



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In your case ILeo, I'd say it is a blessing for Sukei that you are the one who "found" him. If you hadn't, there is a good chance he would be already be over the rainbow bridge. The illegal trapping is horrible. Once done though, trying to reintegrate the into the wild is risky and often unsuccessful. You made the best of a bad situation for him. I think most of us look at our companions and wonder if they wouldn't be happier flying free... then I think of the bond Timber and I have and am comforted knowing that at least we have each other.

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ILeo,   What a sad post...however you DID save Sukeis life...I’m sure he knows it, greys are very intuitive and understand feelings and thoughts in ways we can never know or understand.  I think although he may remember, he has adapted to his forever life of love and affection you give him.  I don’t think greys have the capacity to “wish” for a different life they may have know....they will remember it, but they won’t long for it like us humans do.  The anger he exhibits is a feeling of frustration...he probably doesn’t know “why” he feels the frustration...just it’s feeling....well that’s my take on it for what is worth..

i cant thank you enough for keeping this place running...and anytime you get a second to post, I VERY much enjoy your thoughts.  ❤️

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It's difficult to know what to do for the best and it's easy to fall into the trap of trying to work out all the 'what ifs'.

As soon as Sukei was taken from the wild, there was no going back. And sure, he's been through a lot to get where he is now but it could have been a whole heap worse. He is in a good home with a family that loves him dearly and who moved mountains to get him home with them... where others may have simply given up and left him where he was because it was too inconvenient for them to fight the battles you had to fight.

He doesn't know any different. His life (other than he early part) has always been with you, your family, & your environment. He is in the best place he could be with his background and I think you should be proud of everything you overcame to get him there.

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No magic wand so we just do our best working to keep them safe and as entertained and happy as possible. You did save Suki from his prison enviornment and you fought to bring him home.  Not many of us live in what was our natural habitat any more either.

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