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Alfie's "bromance"


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My current housemate has lived with myself and Alfie for three years, and previously lived with us whilst I was renting for about a year as well.

Alfie and my housemate have always been a bit wary of each other. My housemate hasn't had many pets in the past and hasn't had any dealings with parrots before moving in with one. Originally he struggled with the noise levels but after moving this was less of a problem because Alfie's noises don't travel to his bedroom as well in my current house. 

Over the years they have started bonding- ever so slowly. My housemate would talk to Alfie and give him the odd treat here and there. Alfie was always interested in him and would watch him intently. Eventually Alfie would allow my housemate to scratch his head, something he rarely does to others.

Now my housemate is comfortable enough to be in the same room as Alfie when he is out of his cage and will even sit and scratch Alfie's head. Alfie will seek my housemate out and will fly so he can see him. He will even fly to him and sit on his knee or sit on the arm of the chair to get head scratches. Alfie will also move around in his cage to get closer to my housemate so he can stare at him and watch what he is doing.

I'm really happy that Alfie is bonding with someone else other than me - even if he prefers my housemates company over mine. 🤣 They are still a little wary of each other when Alfie is out of his cage but they are getting better each time they interact. It's been really good to watch their relationship evolve over time.

I always joke that they have a 'secret bromance' going on between them. 😁

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Yeah I'm really happy about it and I hope the bond continues to grow between them. My housemate is the only person who has showed any amount of interest in trying to befriend Alfie. My family are happy to speak to him when they visit but my sister is too scared to be in the same room as him when he's out. My parents allowed me to let him out of his travel cage when we visited them, but they were both quite nervous and I don't think they would be keen to handle him or give him a head scratch. So I'm glad Alfie has another human to interact with rather than just me!

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