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Two Greys, One cage???


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Hey y'all, 

i have been given the chance to have a second baby grey... 

My Baby girl Tali is currently just only 4months old and now I have been offered another weaner grey, from a different  breeder. His name is Ira.

i have already got a good bond with Tali and I thought that maybe they would keep each other company while I'm out milking cows every morning, or occasionally over at my partners place..

would I be able to keep two greys in the same cage? 

My flat is small and I would not be able to fit a second cage inside.

please tell me what u think. It's a big cage and when I'm home, Tali is not in her cage much at all. She's on my shoulder around the house or yard or on the couch exploring, teasing my cat, or having a sleep on me haha! B8D4FFB4-E454-43E4-8AA1-667F2E8EDED5.thumb.jpeg.1044efc977b033a3aac45afd75bff6ae.jpeg


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Being they are so young they will likely get along at some point.   Putting them in the same cage that small is a risk.  Greys need their space at times.   I always recommend a second Grey if you can accomodate one.  Greys get along or at least the playing field is level with one of their own kind.  

I hope your taking measures against losing your birdy when out in the yard.   I get so tired of reading the lost bird posts on FB that I just skip right over them.

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I would always provide a separate cage for each bird for even though they both are greys they may not get along, chances are they won't and each bird will need a cage they can call their own, birds can be territorial about their cages especially greys. Its nice if they do get along and even if they do they still need separate cages for the reason I stated.

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One male and one female grey isn't really a good mix in the same cage as they become mature, if you know what I mean. As the others have said, there's no guarantee that they'll get along as they mature. It's always a crap shoot to see which birds cohabitate well together and which ones want to tear each other apart. Greys can become bossy birds, too.

When my house ran out of real estate with 13 cages scattered throughout the house, I decided to invest in some extra large double stack cages. Got mine from A&E. They don't really need the height of the cage as much as the width. This is the one I purchased and I absolutely love them! https://www.birdcagesnow.com/products/a-e-cage-co-40x30-classico-double-stack-bird-cage  They're nice and roomy! This cage will be a perfect fit where your Tali's cage is right now.

I have 3 of them now.

Edited by Greytness
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