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Sukei Update


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Sukei has been home for almost a year, and I'm still fighting to get his "Passport" released"

I'm kevinD, sorry, I quit trying to do different logins.


For new users, if it were not for this site, and the info I got here Sukei would be dead in a Middle Eastern Country.

He is here now.

He was a victim of black operations in Africa, he was almost dead when I got him.


Long story short, this site and Talon, helped give me the info to get him to the US.

We broke a few rules on the way and should have bribed some folks a little bit more, but this was not to make money, it was to save a Grey.


While I share in the international laws banning the imports of illegal grays, I also support those that are rescuing a Grey.


There needs to be a law that supports rescue.


Two edged sword, if you do that you encourage black market birds.


I dont pretend to know all the answers to this..... All I know is I rescued Sukei. He sould be treated like a USA domesticated Grey.


I digress.. 


By the way, thanks to Talon, Sukei is the guy you see in the left top corner of your screen.

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