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KIWI chick with her first Grey


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Hi all!

I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself and my amazing new baby girl Tali! I think she's just so amazing I had to share her with y'all 

we live in New Zealand, not a lot of greys in my area so I'm hopeful to find this community as somewhere I can get advice, ideas or just boast about how cute I think Tali is haha!

Tali is only 4 months old and I have had her for about 10 days haha! She's a real snuggle bug! Is that normal lol (see pics)?  

She had her wings clipped when I got her, so we enjoy going outside and watering the vegi garden together and getting some sun (when it's not raining haha) im still in two minds as to if I am a fan of clipped wings or not... but it is nice being able to have the door open and walk around with her on my shoulder.

She actually gets along with my cat really well... the cats name is Lexi, they are very respectful of each other and are always supervised if out together so no need to worry y'all! 😊


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Welcome Tali! One recommendation I have for you is that you begin harness training your baby while she's young. That way, if you should decide on letting her have her wings back, you can then take her everywhere outside with you via harness. Once they're older they don't readily accept the harness.

Babies are snuggly! I have a 7 month old baby plus 2 other adult CAGS.

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What age can greys start to mimic sounds? I'm not worried about her talking but I'm already hearing some strange sounds that she makes when she wants my attention 😆 they are not her normal chit chatting cheeps and I wonder if it's the kisses sounds cos I smother her with kisses lol or if I'm just imagining/hoping 

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Hello Tali and welcome to our family. You have an adorable baby grey, I love those dark eyes they have and you will be more able to tell about possible bites when those eyes change to light rings around the pupil as they reveal a lot about their intentions.

Even though she gets along with your cat I would supervise all time they spend together for it only takes a second for something bad to happen and cat saliva can be fatal for a grey so don't take chances.

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