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Grey ingested dime size amount of marijuana


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     I have had my grey for over 22 years. Last evening he ate a dime size amount or less of marijuana. I wasn't happy but it didn't occur to me it would hurt him. Then I noticed he was lethargic, quiet and a little wobbly. It scared me to death. As soon as I picked him up (stepped up on my finger)  he regurgitated fluid and pieces of the pot. He continued to seem sleepy and then before bed he perked up slightly and was drinking water but not eating. This morning he is much better, he ate his breakfast fine and was a little more alert but is STILL DOZING. I live in cow country and the vets here don't do chickens much less a parrot. Has anyone experienced this or could please tell me how to help my boy??? I DO NOT IN ANY WAY FIND THAT HE DID THIS FUNNY. Any information I would be grateful for. Thank you

Edited by cowsruleme
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Most parrots in the wild are quite familiar with getting high (pun intended)...besides just by flying. My concern is not what he ate but how much...in the wild, parrots eat fermented fruits, berries and foods. Some actually seek it out and make it part of their staples. A vet is the best route....we send our prayers. Jayd and Maggie

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