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Hello and Question


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It is nice to be a part of the forum. I have had my grey for 23 years. I fed her shortly after she was born. She has been so much fun.

My bird laid egg about a month and half ago. She has done this periodically for several years. I moved about approximately three months ago. I ordered a new cage and she seemed to settle in well. After laying the egg, we took it out. She had some new toys and loved to chew them up. One of the toys had little wooden balls that fell to the bottom of the cage. She started sitting on them. I let her do this a few days, but read some things and decided to take them out. Since then, she had ground up her toys and put them in a bowl. She has buried her head in the bowl for several weeks. She is very guarded and wont stray far from the bowl. She has become a little aggressive and wont let me pet like she always loved. I welcome any feedback or suggestions. Should I remove the fruit bowl for the time being. She gets a combination of sunlight through a window and full spectrum light for 12 hours. Please help. Thank you and I happy to be a member. I have added a pic of her with her head in the bowl.


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Hello Gil and welcome to our family. When your grey lays eggs I would leave them for her to sit on, for one reason if you take them away she will only lay more to replace them and that could leave her with a calcium deficiency, it is better to allow her to sit on them until she shows less interest in them. You can also replace them with fake ones that will not be broken or cause a stink that real ones might, you can easily find them, just google fake grey eggs. Greys can be moody when nesting and sitting on eggs but she should return to normal when the hormones settle down.

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On 8/25/2018 at 1:41 PM, Gil said:

. She gets a combination of sunlight through a window and full spectrum light for 12 hours. Please help. Thank you and I happy to be a member. I have added a pic of her with her head in the bowl.


Welcome and thank you for becoming a part of the Grey Forum.....If I may, increase the full spectrum light to 14 hours. This will help increase the calcium absorption.  Jayd

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