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I wish to say something before it's to late. My whole life I've tried to devote it to others, humans, pets, any living creature. When I was on the Forums before, due to meds and illness, I hurt a lot of people, I'm sorry, but even then I was standing up for my friends of the Forum. At the time one of the members said something not proper about our son who was just wounded (Army) and something bad about our Country, that's when I lost it...I Apologize..

I have ministered most of my life, Maggie and I, When I lost the ability to move, I only had the Net, My communications (tongue) came to almost a stand  when I could no longer speak. When my banned was lifted I didn't expect to be greeted with a open arm by all but I've stuck by my goal of only offering my help and happiness, I am not in competition with anyone, but I hear the messages you send my way, so I'll do my best not to answer any post's until someone else does first.

I still hold the utmost respect for al of you, everyone has a lot to offer. So in ending, no more updates, or crying or drama...

God Bless You All, Reverend Jay d

May God Be with You...

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There is never a need to apologize.  We are all human, we all have drama, issues, problems, and busy things going on in our lives.  Sometimes we are in a hurry and post a quick reply...sometimes we just read and don’t contribute....we all make mistakes....ALL are welcome here and ALL are forgiven.  You have been a big contributor and for that I will always be thankful.  

You both are in my prayers as always.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sometimes you might need to answer first if someone has a question that may need immediate attention. It seems there is less time I am able to be on this computer and everyone has distractions or work so we just each contribute as we are able. Don't let anyone get you down.

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