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I’m two months into have my 6 month old timneh grey home with me! I’ve done plenty of research on owning a grey and understand how stubborn they can be. My poor girl is afraid of almost everything. Including water.. Any tips, advice or suggestions on getting her used to water for bath time would be much appreciated :)

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7 minutes ago, jjaura said:

I’m two months into have my 6 month old timneh grey home with me! I’ve done plenty of research on owning a grey and understand how stubborn they can be. My poor girl is afraid of almost everything. Including water.. Any tips, advice or suggestions on getting her used to water for bath time would be much appreciated :)

Welcome, Whats your fids name? I've had old old birds that never liked bathing..lol..Don't worry about it, get a spray bottle, room temp and have fun..[no drafts] Suggestion, Walmart has "Aloe Juice" spray it twice a week....

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6 minutes ago, jjaura said:

Her name is Aura!! 

And thanks I have been but breaks my heart when she freaks out haha. She’s afraid of almost every toy. Balls, bells & water ..

She's ok, things take time..Joe our 12 year old is the same way, put one toy at s time and leave it. Luvparrots has a Timmy, check her out....Have you tried a card board box for her to chew on?

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Hello and welcome!  Two months isn't long in "grey time."  Toys and new things often need to be introduced slowly.  Think hanging/setting the toy at a distance from the cage, move it a little closer every couple of days, and finally into the cage. I have a Timneh also. I don't think, from what I've read, that they are more fearful than the CAG's. I have to introduce any new thing to Timber slowly and over time.

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What a good looking Tag.. Thank you, Remember Greys take time...I'd like to point out, you might want to get a larger Bell, they can rip out the small clanker and swallow it...Try some wood chew toys for her...

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22 minutes ago, Timbersmom said:

Jayd mentioned a cardboard box earlier.  Cardboard is Timber's favorite thing (except his bells). He doesn't care much for wood, but loves shredding cardboard.  That's definitely worth a try. She's beautiful :)

B|Fantastic toy, keeps them busy Cheap, easy too clean, Cheap..[Remove staples, tape and all glue]

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Sometimes when introducing new toys it helps if you hold the toy at a distance and show the bird how much fun it is. Get excited about it, show them all the colours and materials and talk about it excitedly. Sometimes the curiosity overcomes the fear and the bird shows a bit more interest. Typically if you have something your grey will want to know what it is.... so use this to your advantage when offering new toys.

I do similar with Alfie whenever I show him new toys and also when I'm bringing something into the house he might not like. For a while he was scared of the washing basket- I have to carry it past his cage to take laundry to the washing machine and he'd get a bit freaked out about it. So I would cheerfully walk into the room with the basket and explain what it was and where I was going. I would also make a 'ooo' noise to sound excited about it. I do the same kind of noise whenever I introduce something new or 'scary' to him. As a result, when he's looking at something new and working out whether or not he likes it he often goes "oooo!". 9_9 A few weeks back we had a load of snow and I set him on the window ledge so he could look at it. He stomped up and down in front of the window, eyes pinning, going "ooo!" "oooo!" because he was checking out the changes outside and wasn't sure to make of everything being white. xD

It's always a good idea to start with new items from a distance, as others have mentioned. Watch the reaction of your bird and slowly move it closer. Depending on the bird, this could be done over hours, days or even weeks. Eventually you can get to the point where the toy is hanging near the cage, then on the cage and finally in the cage. Always move at your birds pace. Some are more change adverse than others. They do eventually come round and realise that the shiny new toy ISN'T out to get them!!

Bath times... well, that's a whole different ball game. There is a thread somewhere on these forums about bathing parrots... if I find it again I'll post a link but I remember it being quite helpful. Alfie tries to bath in his water bowl, which unsurprisingly doesn't work so well (his butt doesn't fit!). He will tolerate a spray bath for most part- so long as I let him bite the nozzle of the spray bottle a few times so he can show it who's boss. 9_9 I did buy him a bird bath that hangs inside the cage but he never learned to step inside it. He would sit on the edge and drink from it but would revert back to his regular water bowl when trying to take a bath.... even though the actual bird bath was much larger and big enough for him to walk into. Some birds prefer being sprayed, some prefer a dish of water where they can bathe themselves, some like showers, some like sinks.... it might take a little while to find out what your grey likes best (or will tolerate...) but do persevere with it because regular baths are important... however much they might grumble about them!

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The worst possible news guys. Aura is filling with fluid and requires a lot of testing  I’ve started a fundraiser she desperately needs help


Hey everyone, I started a fundraising campaign for Aura needs help. Please tap to donate- gf.me/u/hw9vfw

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Unfortunately Miss Aura passed away yesterday.

she went in for further testing and died in the vets office. They are suspecting she wouldn’t have made it through the week & that she was born with some kind of disease causing her to fill up with this fluid. 

My heart is so broken and heavy today. 💔 I did everything I could to save my baby. 

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