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Poll - Is your Parrot Clipped?


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Interesting poll. So far its amlost even. I bet 10 years ago it would have been heavily weighted on the "clipped" side (at least in the US). I think this trend is shifting (for better or worse) as the apparent benefits of keeping flighted birds is becoming better understood.

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I think we should conduct this poll a year from now when those of us with clipped Parrots have gone through a full molt ( our parrots too ;-) )and all the primaries are in. We may see a much larger shift to the flighted side B)


Keep voting eveyone, this is good info :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/20 14:41

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  • 4 months later...

Definatley not clipped cleo the other day broke out of here cage while i was in bed and obviously she wanted to play so she flew into the bed room me and Teresa heard a noise i lift my head up and she lands right on top of it. :laugh:

Best alarm i have ever had :)

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Wow, you guys rekindled this old poll...Cool. :-)


Well Dayo is clipped, but he can fly very well through out the house. He is going through a molt now and I will let his primaries come in completely. I want to see what he can do with the whole enchilada....... B)


He never goes outside without a harness or in his travel cage though.

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I voted. Talon was clipped 2 times, once when she came to me at 8 1/2 weeks old, and again at 1. She is now 2 1/2 years old. I DO NOT clip her. She has free flight of the house, and she is an amazing flyer. She still likes us to carry her around. She will fly through out the day. You should see her maneuver her way through the house, doorways, etc.


Judy, FYI, I do have cathedral ceilings. I was worried about Talon flying up on the chandelier in the foyer, landing on it where I can't reach her, and pooping all over it, where I can't reach to clean it. But the glass shook so much, and she doesn't like the clanging sound of it, so she flies off. Of course, my screaming in a panic helps I'm sure!! :pinch: :lol: She's done that 3 times, and said, never again, I hope! :unsure:

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Yep, Klaus was clipped when I got him.

He can fly a little, but not very well.

That's another thing my husband and I differ on - I don't especially want to keep him clipped. I think it's unfair and can be damaging psychologically (not to mention physically when they're clipped too much and they fall like a stone).

Husband seems to think if we don't clip him he will absolutely fly away this summer. Even though I have no intention of taking him out without his harness (the theory is: He'll be out of his cage in the house and someone will open a door, and out he'll go.) Personally I think if that were to happen he'd be fairly easy to catch.

What do you guys think? Now I'm getting paranoid! LOL

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Well i voted early on in the poll, but just to say none of my four are clipped & never will be.I respect individual views on clipping but reading through this thread it would appear that the majority of clipped greys are being allowed to regrow their flight feathers, which is great news :)

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Im unsure if I'll clip my babys wings. Im still undecided. I had a White bellied Caique a few years ago (RIP Jester) And I didn't clip them, but he very rarely flew, and when he did it was very short distances. But, I do have four kids and with them in and out of the house Id hate to lose my bird out the door. Im still really unsure what I will do with my TAG

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None of my birds are clipped. Lyric went through a clumsy phase when he was fledging and ended up breaking off all his tail feathers. Until he grew some back in he didn't fly much because he just didn't have good balance or braking ability. Now that he has a full tail again it's hard to keep him in one spot. I've seriously considered clipping his wings just to get him a little bit more under control, but I do think it's good for birds to fly so I haven't done it yet and probably can't bring myself to take away his freedom like that!

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I voted Yes Dan, mine are clipped all of them. We have too many windows and kids going in and out, it's for their safety, otherwise I could care less, but one flight into the Window SweetHeart went, and she even shook her head after landing, like what in the heck! This was just a few days after we got her home and actually as most of you know she was already clipped with 5 feathers on each wing lol. She was just determined lol. Than the added issue of them flying to each other's cages, toes started to get nipped and I was very worried about having a missing toe. So they are all clipped now.

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  • 1 month later...



This poll pleased me.


No need for me to say which way I voted as

that answer is obvious.


Its not just the poll, its the comments here that

gladdened me together with the happiness

expressed in your living with flighted parrot at home.

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