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Brutus is acting weird


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I hope you can help me. My boyfriend and his 15-year-old have lived with me for the last five months. Brutus likes my boyfriend, but lately, he has started to fly at his son. If Tyler is doing dishes and has his back turned Brutus tries to fly at him. One time it looked like Brutus' mouth was open like he wanted to bite him. If Brutus sees Tyler outside he acts frantic with his wings quivering and tries to fly at the window. Does he dislike him or does he like him? It seems aggressive to me. This is a very bad state of affairs and we have no idea what to do. We absolutely do not know what to do. Please give us some advice.

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This sounds like the exact behavior we get from our Caique - Toby.   He likes some people and then 'small' people are on his shit list and marked for destruction.  Toby will fly at them with full fury and evil in his eyes.  I'm not sure if this behavior is prevalent in Greys but it's sure what it sounds like.   Greycie exhibits a similar behavior towards Toby because she cant stand him.  Fly straight at him and try her best to knock him off his perch or grab him and beat the feathers off of him. 

It would be nice if you could possibly get a video of the behavior.  How to curb the behavior and allow Brutus to begin to accept the the son is beyond me.   I would definitely be grooming the son not to take it personally and to see if there is some way he can interact with Brutus safely outside the bubble of Brutus' favorite flock mates.  If the son starts to resent Brutus you've got bigger problems.

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It is so weird, just this morning Tyler was rubbing Brutus' beak with no problem (I wasn't there). This aggressive behavior seems to happen at night. What is different is we are all sitting together. Brutus may be thinking Tyler is competition or something. My boyfriend, Dave, he loves though! Dave and I are always hugging and smooching and Brutus has no problem with it. So this makes no sense. For peace's sake, we are installing a temporary tension rod and curtain panels between the kitchen/office (where they are) and the living room (where we eat dinner). Problem is Brutus will probably just hop down on the floor and stroll in. Oh well, we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Maybe tension rods on the floor and the ceiling with curtain panel threaded in both. My boyfriend's son, Tyler, is 6 feet one inch tall, and it seemed to happen overnight, so he is no small kid. Last night Brutus probably flew at Tyler 5-6 times. Poor Tyler. He seems to take it in stride though. 


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This isn't unusual, it's possible he feels Tyler is from another flock and intruding. How old is Brutus? It could be just a "Grays change of life" grays flock in large comunitys but small family groups..His Group might have reached it;s limit...If this is whats happening, the best thing to do is ignore it....

Grey's family lives are a lot different than other parrots.  A normal parrot weans and kicks out their chicks of the nest and starts over. A Grey family will have a couple chicks and train them to be part of the original community. They will stay together until they find a mate. At that time, the newly mated Greys will leave home and become part of the same community. An ideal captive home family unit would be to have the parents and their mated offspring in your living room. Most parrots are invaders and leave their family units for areas unknown and start a new family with their new flock. A Grey has more human characteristics than most may realize.

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Hi, thank you, don't alienate them, At ten, Brutus is near do for a "Change in life". As a Gray ages, they for lack of a better word, Contemplate their life more, they become wiser, son gray this is the breading age. Just as you saw a change at 1 year and 2 years old they go through this stage and finely the last stage when they just kick back and are quiet and self absorbent...You have always been a good Parront...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I figured out what is happening. Tyler, the 15-year-old has been moping around and acting depressed. The other day he was crying and feeling sorry for himself when we were talking to him and Brutus flew over to him and reached out his foot and touched his arm. Brutus hates to see people upset or sick. Twice when Dave was sick Brutus stayed with him until he got better by standing on his body as he lay in bed. It was so touching. He just wants Tyler to feel better and he cannot understand why he is so down-in-the-dumps. Tyler is seeing a therapist, but he is a teenager... His father and I will do anything for him but he cannot see it right now. Brutus flies at Tyler in an attempt to correct his mental state. Clear as day for me now. I love Brutus so much! 

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