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I ask for help in the treatment of African parrot


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To my parrot Jaquo is 8 years old, I bought it from the breeders at three months old in Moscow, and all eight years we are inseparably with him.

A month ago, my bird appeared sniffing, heard only when sitting on his shoulder and sneezing 20 times can sneeze during the day, Soplek no, I was recommended to rinse the mink of the spout, I did it with a solution of chamomile and so gave chamomile with lemon and honey (dissolved a bit) on the attraction of two weeks, and also warmed the blue lamp, but it did not stop and sniffing and sneezing are present.

More than a week ago I did not like the litter (it had a lot of liquid (urine)), added to it in the bird feeder (in the morning and in the evening) VETOM on the tip of the knife, as well as in the feed lactobyfadol, ass clean. (I will put a photo of the litter from the observation of the last three days (not morning)) and began to drink more occasionally at night as he descends and drinks (long enough)
Reading the forums, I realized that we could not do without a survey, although for all this time we have never been visited anywhere and if we only donated a litter.

On Monday morning, 19.02, we surrendered the litter for microscopy (coprology) and sowing (handed over the veterinary laboratory of Krasnodar), on Tuesday 20.02, microscopy was ready, they said on the phone that it was negative, and only 26.02 (and those results I'll take it) calling all veterinarians to find out that they do not pass tests in this laboratory (although it's the only one in veterinary medicine) because they do not trust (like they always have everything negative), (22.02) we agreed to do an x-ray in one veterinary clinic, because never went anywhere to us, it was a shock, but I will not describe how it happened.

Have made a roentgen (I attach two pictures) + we have handed over again a litter + with a pharynx + a blood (the general or common analysis and biochemistry), have immediately told or said, that a glucose 11,6. all this was done under gas anesthesia.

my cute parrot does not want to eat much and it's clear that he does not have any mood.

Please look at the pictures, I will be very hopeful for your recommendations and advice.



 Today came tests (which were handed over on Thursday) UAC, BHAK and litter, not yet on sowing. Please see, that it can be very very please.

My favorite parrot was diagnosed with Aspergillosis, but we can not find lekartssvo from aspergillosis in Russia.

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