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Almost weekly update about my african grey parrot


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Hello guys , well , i made a mistake unfortunately , I thought if i  sit next to his cage and dont pay attention to him he will stop growling and screaming but seems i was wrong and  now he is scared of me much worse :/  i dont really know what I should do to take that little trust back , and now when ever i go to my room he starts growling:/

any tips guys ? 

My parrot is 1y and about 2 months 

and i have him/her about 17 days :/ 

Edited by Erfan
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17 days is a very short time for an AG. Here on the forum, we call it "grey time" because you have to let them take things at their speed. It often takes months for a bird who is bred in captivity to adjust to a new home.  Brace yourself for the fact that it will probably take many months of adjustment. Remember that he is terrified. They are prey animals in the wild, and he has no reason to believe you don't mean him harm.  Speak to him in a calm, gentle voice and try not to make sudden moves or enter the room suddenly.  If he whistles or clicks, whistle and click back.  I'd be whistling before I enter his room.  That's how my bird and I first started communicating.

If you posted as to why you have a wild-caught grey I missed it.  I assume it was a rescue situation?

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2 hours ago, Timbersmom said:


Well   unfortunately they catch the parrots from the nest and smuggle them  in my country so these parrots are not at a good condition :( 

actually i posted my wild caught African grey growls. 

By the way, thanks 🙏 for answering.


Edited by Erfan
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If you have a wild caught grey then you really need to  take it slow, this bird has been ripped from where it called home in the wild and now it is spending his days in a cage, that is a huge difference. As others have said grey time is slow time and that means weeks, months and maybe even years before you can gain his trust. When you sit nearby his cage don't ignore him as that hate to be ignored, talk to him, read a book to him in a soft voice, let him get used to you being around, believe me he will want to be by your side when he does learn to trust you. Take it slow and easy, when he allows you to be closer offer him a treat, something he loves.

Please do read thru some of the threads to get more ideas and suggestions that worked for others with similar situations but don't get discouraged by the lack of visible progress as it is in baby steps, it will require great amounts of patience but trust me the reward will be ever so sweet no matter how long it takes.

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Hi again Erfan

I already mentioned 'grey time' in my previous response to one of your threads.

There is a really good thread on these forums which is worth a read: 

It is a long thread (70+ pages!) but goes into a lot of detail about Katana's experiences with bringing an African grey parrot home and learning all about what 'grey time' is and means. This thread is well worth a read and may help you with your bird.

Everyone here is extremely helpful and supportive and there is a wealth of information on these forums about how to look after and care for your new addition.

As I mentioned before the best thing to do is to step back a bit and give your grey some time to adjust to the new surrounding and environment. Keep calm and be patient. It will be a learning process for you both!

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