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What do you do during family dinner?


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What do you guys do during dinner? Do you include your grey or not? If not, how do you enforce it or do it. I feel terrible not including him but he has gotten very disruptive. It used to be just me and that was fine. There are two other people living here now who are not crazy about moving glasses, silverware, and food out of his way. I get it. I just feel bad about not including him. What should I do?

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Well first I gotta say it's just me and him.  But he doesn't know he can fly.  Also, there's no room in my place for a dinner table so I eat at the counter or at my desk.  So, if He happens to be on either of those places when I bring my dinner, I turn the plate to what's healthy for him and let him go for it!  He also hasn't figured out that he can move to other sections of the plate lol.  This is why I say he's more Densa than Mensa.  He's already got me well trained in the drinks and cutlery department - if I don't want it on the floor I put it out of his reach.  Sorry, I know this isn't any particular help to you, but you asked what we do, so...  Personally I like the sound of a feeding cage, if you're prepared to put up with loud protests from birdie for a while.  Just tell your human dining companions that this is the fix to the thing they were complaining about so they can like it or lump it.

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I include my parrots with any meal I eat at home.  They are free to walk over to my plate...it doesn’t bother me..sadly since I am working full time, I feel bad having them in their cages all day, so I’m not about to keep them away from me when I home 

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I don't have a dining table and it's just myself and my housemate so we typically eat on the sofa/armchair. Alfie isn't really interested in our food. If he's out he's normally too busy playing or shredding boxes. Occasionally he will join us on the sofa or sit on our knees. He rarely shows as interest in whats on the plate or anything that's offered to him off the plate though. If I did have a dining table then I'd probably have to be wary of glasses being knocked/pushed over or off the table I think. Alfie likes to throw things about so I could see him getting into mischief on a dinner table!

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