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I want to apologize


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I know a new format can be shocking, and sometimes I take things personal. I should have not taken them personal, but understood that it would be hard on everyone.

I know new things are hard to except, and I am sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings.

But the truth of the mater was change or die.


My father passed this week, and I got a new perspective on things. Sometimes it is not being right, but doing what needs to be done and helping people through the change.

We are creatures of habits, same as our Grey's, and sometimes you need to have compassion and understanding.

To those of you that were upset, I am truly sorry.


But as Grey's do, slowly you will adapt. I didn't do these things for fun, they just needed to be done.



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First, I am sorry to hear of your Dad's passing, we wish we didn't have to say goodbye to our parents but that time comes and we deal with it the best way we can, lots of good memories will help ease the pain and I have lost both parents so I know what you are going thru.

Second, I don't know what you need to apologize for, the only thing I can think of is because of the new format not many people sign in and post anymore, this forum used to bustle with activity but is fairly quiet now, I think it will eventually pick up when a few things settle down. You have done us a great service so forgetaboutit.

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I commented about the loss of your dad but not your apology.  I thought I missed something and didn't want to show my ignorance.  If you are talking about the site, it is far better than it was! Sorry if anyone was giving you grief about your good work. Change is difficult sometimes, but we were having so many problems with the old site that it was necessary.  I'm just glad you had the knowledge and willingness to do it!

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Sorry about your Dad.  I lost mine 5 years ago and got so stuck in my grief that I had to go to our local hospice organization for grief counselling.  Learn from my example and don't be afraid to reach out for help with your grieving if you think you need it, or even if you just think it would be helpful.

As for the apology, I totally understand that a change was needed.  I am, however, change resistant (see above note about grieving lol), so I may have been visiting and posting less as of late.  I will try to correct MY behaviour, because I know the only way I will get used to the changes is if I use them.  I've been around the forum long enough to remember our last format change (anyone here remember 'karma' points), and I was just as resistant to change then.  I'm sorry if you've been getting some undeserved grief.  As someone way wiser than me once said, the only thing that never changes is change. Thank you for all you have done to keep this forum running. 

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Kevin, I am so very sorry for the sudden loss of your father.  As you know, I lost mine 1 year ago, and it does make you see life with different eyes.  Always know he is watching over you and I am sure incredibly proud of you and all you do for others.  


As as for this site, you know how I feel about all the work you did to save us.  I disagree with Judy, this site was quiet before the change and it has been picking up little by little.  People are busier these days with so many other social media sites..so we aren’t always the first choice, but since you have made us so mobile friendly, hopefully members will start to take advantage of that and post more!  If anyone was upset...the shame on them!


God Bless ❤️

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Just popping in, and want to extend my sympathy with regard to the passing of your dad. It doesn't matter what age we are, while our parents are living, we are still someone's child. It is so sad and also a bit daunting when the day(s) arrive where that is no longer the case. I don't know if you still have your mother, but I hope that you can find comfort in family and friends during this sad time. 

With regard to the new format of the site? I love it! So modern, easy to navigate, and am delighted that I now feel the site is much more secure. Thank you for all of your hard work, having built and maintained several websites myself, I appreciate that it is no small task and often a thankless one. You are appreciated! 

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