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Joe talks, We listen


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Spock here: :)Joey, our CAG, has always been a bit of a thinker...constantly analyzing and monitoring the situation before making a move or a comment. When he does speak, he makes his wishes and thoughts heard with a few well-placed comments meant to put us, Salsa, and even Rolo the dog in our places. When I am not fast enough about getting over to him in the morning, he tells me "Good morning" and then "HELLO!!". If that does not do the trick, he offers kisses along with the increasing volume of his hellos. Once he is out for the day, it is a mad rush for his favorite perches in the kitchen with a royal command of "Want a good nut?" which includes his chopped apple, pistachios, sometimes a few dry Cheerios, and his favorite dry pasta or veggie rotini. He gets indignant if Salsa interrupts his breakfast time and contemplation with her wild shrieks of joy and low buzz flying to celebrate her freedom...LOL...If she gets too rambunctious, he is quick with the "Salsa, shut up!" While looking out the window, he is also quick to admonish the neighbor's dogs barking with a loud "Rolo!" along with a clap. Occasionally though, he likes to chime in and bark which starts them off....I think he secretly likes to get them riled so he can yell at them to stop. He has learned to imitate Salsa and now sings his own songs in her voice. I also think that he makes jokes that only he understands because he will say or sing something and then begin to chuckle....He may not talk in full sentences like he used to but everything he says is to the point and to guarantee that when he talks, we listen. :P

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