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Hello Again...


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:rolleyes: Hello old friends and new and all those I admire. I'm back but changed in so many ways. I hope I have much to offer and share.:confused: We still Have Joe [age 10] and Salsa [8] and Pistachio and Buddy.

When I nap, Joe waits on my shoulder, He's Maggie's bird, but my caretaker...Salsa is Maggie's bird but he eats with me and preens my beard. Maggie has a lot of new story's for you. Thank you Jayd;)

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Birdhouse, I have deleted your post as in my opinion, it was inappropriate. To bring up what behind us...is no way to move forward.

Jayd, Thanks you for rising above & not adding fuel to the spark Birdhouse dropped.


I for one, have learned much from Jayd & Maggie. I am all about forgive & forget, (which Birdhouse, personally is something you should know about me).


Welcome Back, Jayd & Maggie! I look forward to all you can bring to us here at greyforums!

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Birdhouse, I have deleted your post as in my opinion, it was inappropriate. To bring up what behind us...is no way to move forward.

Jayd, Thanks you for rising above & not adding fuel to the spark Birdhouse dropped.


I for one, have learned much from Jayd & Maggie. I am all about forgive & forget, (which Birdhouse, personally is something you should know about me).


Welcome Back, Jayd & Maggie! I look forward to all you can bring to us here at greyforums!


I too believe we should forgive & forget whenever possible. As long as it doesn't translate into repeating the same mistakes over & over.


You may feel Jay & Maggie deserve the opportunity to start w/a clean slate & that's fine. But what do the members who were on the receiving end of *all* their disruption & abuse deserve because letting them walk back in like nothing ever happened is a slap in the face to many good people here.


Saying the membership is not owed an apology & at least token assurances of their good intentions going forward doesn't bode well for anything but a repeat of the last time.


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btw if you haven't had tech working on the site, then maybe someone should check if JayD still has invisibility permissions. That would mean that profile still has elevated privledges ...after everything that happened.


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Birdhouse,.....I am fully aware of what went down...remember...I was there....


As for YOUR opinion, as it being a "slap in the face", this a a forum for goodness sakes, not the empire of the world. People make mistakes, say things and do things in life that they regret, many are punished for it.


As forum administrator, I feel that a 3 year ban was enough punishment, I can count on one hand the members that I have given a life sentence to...It is obvious that you don't agree. I don't care about that, I'm not worried about a popularity contest. I do what I feel is the right thing to do regardless of what you or others think. If people don't like the way I do things here, well...there are thousands of other bird forums and they can let the door hit them in the ass on the way out.


If negative posts continue, then I will delete them


P.S. Don't you worry yourself about what permissions I allow members here to have....but thanks for the reminder..

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I don't know what happened, I seem to be blissfully ignorant in this matter. I just hope that we can all get along from this point forward, please?


Thank you! That's all I asked for. That's in the past, and we as members need to rise above it, and move forward for the real reasons we are all here...out fids!

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Yes please look at all of the very real Bad going on in the World today this is a tempest in a teapot. We have Maria a very dangerous storm in the Caribbean, a large destructive Earth Quake in Mexico with many collapsed buildings injuries and death lets keep it real folks. Many still recovering from last weeks Earth Quake Irma and Harvey more than hurt feelings there. After a long ban I am happy they are back hope we can all co-exist and share our love for these feathered souls.

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Hi Jay:

I would like to take this time to welcome you back on the forum as you do have a lot of good information to share with our members.

I do hope and believe that things will work out.

I know that I am a moderator today because of your input and I thank you for that.

I have always respected your opinion and you respected mine even though we did not always see eye to eye.

Welcome back.

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I too believe we should forgive & forget whenever possible. As long as it doesn't translate into repeating the same mistakes over & over.


You may feel Jay & Maggie deserve the opportunity to start w/a clean slate & that's fine. But what do the members who were on the receiving end of *all* their disruption & abuse deserve because letting them walk back in like nothing ever happened is a slap in the face to many good people here.


Saying the membership is not owed an apology & at least token assurances of their good intentions going forward doesn't bode well for anything but a repeat of the last time.


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btw if you haven't had tech working on the site, then maybe someone should check if JayD still has invisibility permissions. That would mean that profile still has elevated privledges ...after everything that happened.


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This is the very last thing Maggie and I wanted, We just wanted to share some happiness and care for all of you. Val, I'm sorry. It's hard to hold back the tears right now for reasons I don't want to explain. Please, everyone just ignore us if you wish, I have no ill feelings towards anyone.Penny, thank you so much for inviting us into your house, we turn our cheeks and respect all that is here. I turn my cheek and hang my head in sadness that I caused this brou-haha. I will never mention this subject again.I'm moving forward to maybe bring some smiles to all you great people. Judygram and everyone else thank you for being you... Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.


Better yet: To err is human to forgive divine.


My goodness think of it this way, if our fids never forgave us everytime we pissed them off, we'd all be in a world of pain.


Move on. Let's all enjoy sharing our fids because this is what Greyforums is really all about.:P

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