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Grey Linguel abilities


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African grey parrots (like the one shown in this stock image) use their tongues and the opening and closing of their beaks to control sounds.

Credit: Richard Susanto/Shutterstock A Michigan woman was convicted of first-degree murder on Wednesday (July 19) in a bizarre case that included psychics, mysterious death threats and a parrot as an alleged eyewitness.

As reported by The Detroit News, Glenna Duram was convicted in the May 2015 shooting of her husband, Martin Duram, in what police said was a botched murder-suicide. Several things made the case a national story, including that a relative of the victim said she predicted where the murder weapon would be found and that interfamily squabbling over the crime led to death threats among branches of the family. Perhaps most notable, however, Martin Duram's ex-wife claimed that his pet parrot was repeating the Durams' final argument.

"Shut up," the African grey parrot can be heard saying in a deep voice in a video allegedly taken a few weeks after the murder. He also says, "Don't [expletive] shoot."

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They dont just repeat, they actually have an intelligence far beyond repeating stuff.


I always watch those Einstein videos, and the only reason he says what he does is because he gets a seed right after he performs.


I submit to you, they dont have to be trained that way, they just need love and attention.


Sukei will do anything without a seed as a reward. My Wife Susan has spent so much time with Sukei, and she can get him to do anything on command without a seed. He wants to make her happy, because she makes him happy and feels loved, and spends soo much time with him.


The new one give me 5 is so funny, but I digress.


Greys are not so different from you or I, they just need love and attention. ALOT of attention. They will move mountains for you.


NOW im not saying giving them a treat is bad, we give him treats all the time, but in my experience it is not necessary to bribe them.

Edited by KevinD
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