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Rotten hanging fruit


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Never fails...time to get the birds in and this is what I have to put up with. I'll be doing the latches to get in the two gates into the aviary and what do I hear? I hear the sound of toenails quickly scurrying to the top of the aviary where somebirdy gets into position to play keep-the-birdy-away. She loves loves loves to hang just tantalizingly out of reach. She's so rotten.




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I have a friend who just built an aviary and she kept the ceiling lower just to avoid this specific problem. Gracie knows exactly what she is doing. It's the same way Dorian plays keep away on his playstand when it's time too to bed. It's a game to him, but annoying to me. I guess you need a higher step stool in the aviary. That'll foil her! Lol

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I'm planning some work in the garden over the next few weeks and I hope to get an enclosure out there for Alfie and the cats to use (not at the same time, I hasten to add!!). So I'm going to have this to look forward to! Alfie knows exactly where I can't reach when he's out of his cage. So I will leave a step ladder in the enclosure I think!

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Great video. No grey bats here.


Love your aviary. My son and his wife built me an aviary off the birdroom window. All I have to do is open the window and the gang can go in and out as they like. No food or water in the aviary so if they get thirsty or hungry they can come in and go to their cages easily.

Edited by luvparrots
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Love your aviary. My son and his wife built me an aviary off the birdroom window. All I have to do is open the window and the gang can go in and out as they like. No food or water in the aviary so if they get thirsty or hungry they can come in and go to their cages easily.


That is the best idea I have heard all day! Love the concept. Any chance of pics from inside and out?

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