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Prayers please


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Well after a long two months we see the vet again this afternoon. I haven't said anything because I tend to curl up in a ball and hide in situations like this. Timber developed some sort of seizure disorder. The cause hasn't been determined. Not calcium deficiency, not heavy metal poisoning, bloodwork, is fine, stood specimen fine, etc. etc. The medication has halted the seizures, but he has continued to decline over time. I'm scared to death, but have to terms with the fact that I may lose him. Pray for us please!

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I don't know what specifically the vet was hoping to get into Timber w/the formula. But if it's just general nutrients vs something in particular, you might ask him what he thinks of my sick fid concoction. It's a mess of cantaloupe, broccoli buds, yogurt, quinoa or baby food rice cereal (depending on the iron requirements) & baby food beef. I mix it together in the blender & feed from a spoon. I've had really good luck w/it. Hope it helps. Hang in.

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All I have heard today is that his second test for ABV came back negative. He has all the symptoms, but not the virus. The vet is supposed to call himself later to tell me what he wants to do next. You're right Murfchck, the waiting and not knowing is the worst. He is still hanging in there. He is in a small cage since we have to towel him for meds and supplemental feeding so often, and because he can't motivate well. He whistles, talks, and clicks, but he has difficulty getting around (the vet says neurological) and isn't eating well. It's so sad to see him this way, but I'm so thankful when I get up in the morning and he is still hanging in there!

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I keep hoping you will post that Timber is getting better, I do have my fingers crossed and keep praying for you both. I can't stand waiting to hear back about test results as all sorts of things go thru your mind but hang in there Karen, it will all work out.

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Thank you all for the support, prayers and good wishes. We are in a holding pattern. Since every test and image shows normal, the vet is changing his seizure meds. We hope to find that perfect balance of minimizing seizure occurrence and duration while keeping the effect on his balance and appetite minimal. He has lost a lot of weight and perches low because he is off balance (like a person with vertigo I suppose). He is still in the "invalid" cage and that's working for now. I pray that the new meds will get him back to a more "normal" life and that there isn't some underlying condition we just aren't finding. I'm pushing food all the time and supplementing with formula. He still whistles and talks. If I wasn't looking at his abnormal behavior and just heard audio, I wouldn't know there was a problem. I worry about his quality of life and wish I could read that little birdie mind!

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