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A full time job

Ray P

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When Corky is out of her cage it`s a full time job just to keep her out of trouble. She gets into everything.

It`s no Corky don`t eat the wood work, No Corky get off the frig. No Corky you can`t have that.

If you don`t behave it`s back to your cage, OK that`s it !!!! Back to your cage !!! and than she will do something sweet (damn it). Than she will give you kisses and rub her head up and down your cheek until you calm down and than it`s back to her old stand by and that is trouble. Dose this sound like your red tailed trouble maker ?!?!!!!

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I am always embarrassed having to say my Ana Grey (tag) and Sterling Gris (cag) and Sophie (Lilac-headed zon) are all gentle non-chewers/non-squawkers/non-mess makers. They just like to fly or sit on me, their perches, my cabinet tops or back of my chair and usually eat pistachios. I don't think I could handle an ornery parrot. Ana Grey likes to give kisses and shake claw to hand and Sterling Gris is the watcher or guard on patrol and Sophie minds her own business and expects the same from the greys.

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I have to be honest, Dorian is pretty low maintenance. He doesn't fly or chew wood, so I'm not constantly chasing him off my antique furniture. He just wants to be "with" so as long as he's mostly in the same room I'm in he's content to just hang out and shred cardboard or paper. That's the biggest maintenance with him, keeping him in cardboard boxes, and then cleaning up the remnants. I'm very lucky with him. I would, with my health problems, find a true mischief maker exhausting.

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I got my mischief maker and then some. Cannot let GreycieMae out of my sight. She knows this too as she will try and sneak away sometimes when she thinks she's not being watched. Ever see a Grey try and tip-toe into the kitchen? She will also blatantly fly around the corner into the kitchen and wait to see if someone will react. No reaction? oh...boy time to conduct a raid! We have to keep the counters clear or she will toss what ever is up there...down there.... She loves to hear the plastic stuff hit the floor and bounce but that's a distant second to the sound of glass/ceramics shattering on the tile floor. Wife has also told me I'm responsible for getting the cabinets re-painted as Miss GreycieMae has nibbled a few corners before I could get in there and stop her.


Her main goal however when she's conducting raids is the pursuit of tasty treasures....


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Kya is pretty low maintenance, too. He basically just wants to be near my husband getting scritches, and occasionally stalking me. But he never tears anything that isn't his up, and never tries to chew on wood. He's also a manipulative little guy. When Gracie gets in trouble, he will repeat over and over what a good boy he is. I dare say if he weren't so smitten with my husband, he would get in a lot more trouble.


Gracie Lou is his polar opposite. Now that she has made herself at home here, she's become quite the handful! Her main goal in life is to crash and break my extensive owl and chicken collection - my son says it is not possible to count all of the ceramic and wood owls and chickens that I have sitting around. She's also very focused on a beautiful antique oak buffet that I have, she is uninterested in her wood toys or any other wood in the house, just that buffet. And, as soon as I see her into something and start towards her, she says "Nooooooooo" in my voice and heads right back to her cage. I no more than turn my back and she's right back at it again. So she knows she shouldn't, she just doesn't care! I am online right now trying to find a ceramic heavy bowl that will fit in her food door - she dumps her food constantly and I worry about her going hungry during the day when we are at work. She watches me when she dumps it, and I honestly think she just does it for a reaction, and doesn't think the consequences through. She reminds me a lot of my daughter when she was about 2 years old! I had to get a sitter to get my house clean! I try hard not to overreact or scold her too much, I just remove things from her reach if she remains persistent. She's coming out of her shell, and I wouldn't trade that for anything, even my sanity.

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Aww. Yes, I have Talon as my troublemaker. Mostly you hear, Talon get out of the cupboard, Talon, get off the door, Talon, stop chewing that....Talon stop going after Nilah....


Then there is Nilah herself.....if she is not on me which is most of the time when I get home from work, she has to be watched almost every minute, she will go anywhere and everywhere, I find her chewing the toothpaste tube in the bathroom, chewing the dental floss case, chewing scissors, screw drivers , anything she can get her beak on...if it's quiet......I know she's into something.

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