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Memorial Day

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As we, in the USA, observe Memorial Day, today, I am mindful of a dear friend and mentor who served in the US Army Signal Corps, working with pigeons in WWII. On Memorial Day, he would fly two flags at half mast. One for the fallen Service men and women. And one for the homing pigeons shot out of the sky delivering important information to troops. And the fallen horses, killed bringing their brave warriors into battle. Plus, the dogs that have given their lives protecting and serving their countrymen. Please remember those departed heroes today, as well. Some gave all, all gave some.

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This is one of the few holidays we here in Canada do not share with our American neighbours. We have our Remembrance Day in November. I like especially that you are including all the animals that have served and been lost, something I've never heard mention during our services. I'll be including it from now on. Thank you.

Marguerite Dorian and Jac

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love that you mentioned pigeons. My first fliers have been up for about 4 weeks and there is something about flying pigeons that touches your soul. We sit in our swinging chair under the canopy and they fly in formation occasionally passing directly overhead. It's very majestic. Problem is I get really attached to them and there is risk involved.


I read an article a while back about the most decorated pigeon. Responsible for saving many many allied lives. What a good pigoey!

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That was very well said and yes we usually don't think about the various animals who also did their part to help the cause, I for one am forever grateful to those who laid down their lives so we can have the freedoms we enjoy. Please think about that while you enjoy your cookouts and this 3 day weekend that many sacrifices were made, never forget.

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