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This I could have done without!


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I took Dorian to the groomers yesterday. He was such a good, gentle boy while being toweled, only chewing on the towel a bit. My groomer has a beautiful umbrella cockatoo who, over the course of his life, has had some major health issues. It's to the point that if he even see a towel he freaks out. Unfortunately when a cockatoo freaks out he gets LOUD! Just as Dorian and I were headed out the door he does a perfect cockatoo scream. He proceeded to do the scream in the car all the way home. By the time we pulled into the driveway I was quite deaf! Now, he hasn't done it in the house, so I'm crossing my fingers that I won't have to go through a sound extinguishing exercise with him. Cross your fingers with me. I couldn't live with that sound all day every day, no matter how beautiful the bird is. My hat is off to those of you with cockatoos.

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I loved my Conure's voice. He was loud only twice a day usually. The only time it bothered me at all was when he let one go while sitting on my shoulder. Can you say deaf for a few minutes! LOL

Acappella, I hope Dorian learns fast not to scream so loud.

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Oh, no! I hope this phase passes quickly, although with greys, everything seems to take on a new time dimension unlike any other.


I'm with you, that is not something I could handle on a regular basis. There aren't enough ear plugs in the world.


My sun is not too bad, and now that I have read this, I find it strange that the greys have never mimicked her. (Or maybe they find it irritating???) She does her morning call thing, and her greeting call when someone comes in the door, and then usually again at sunset, but it never lasts very long. She is in my dining room which is attached to the kitchen, and everyone uses the carport door into the kitchen. If they stop in her area, I have to usher them past her into the den to stop the alarm. Once they are past her cage, she stops. She won't do it when they come back through to leave, or if they come back to hang out with me in the kitchen. It's just an alert that we have company, or a greeting. I do see the company wince now and then until we deactivate the alarm, so maybe she is worse than I realize, living with her.

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I'm sorry but I did laugh. But then I did feel sorry for you afterwards. Alfie always picks up the loudest, most obnoxious noises. He seems to learn those a lot easier than he does anything else! I hope Dorian gets bored of the sound very quickly!

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You know, this thread really made me realize how lucky we are. Our two greys are not loud at all, they talk a LOT, but as far as loudness goes, it only happens when Kya gets angry at a toy in his cage.


Are your greys loud in general?


I'm thinking our household is pretty quiet, just my husband and myself most of the time. When the greys say something, we respond, just like we would to a human / child. I kinda thought this was the norm for greys, maybe not?

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Dorian is not usually loud, he's just infatuated with this new sound. The most noise he makes is the ringing of his bell when he is beating the snot out of it lol. He goes through a noisy patch in the morning when he figures it's time for me to be up and serving him, and he's chatting away in the background right now because he thinks he has to compete with the Netflix I've got going on my iPad but no, I wouldn't call him a usually loud bird.

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I did some gardening outside yesterday without taking him out with me and I could hear him through the brick walls. He seems to be saving the new sound for when he is annoyed or feeling demanding. So of course all I have to do is to never annoy him and fulfill his every wish before he has it. lol

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I did some gardening outside yesterday without taking him out with me and I could hear him through the brick walls. He seems to be saving the new sound for when he is annoyed or feeling demanding. So of course all I have to do is to never annoy him and fulfill his every wish before he has it. lol


And that should be soooooooooooooo easy with a grey!

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