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At first glance greys normally look the same. Around strangers or different situations they are not use to they are normally quiet. So how would you identify your grey? Please share your thoughts about how you would be able to undisputably claim your grey if your grey got out of your care and someone else found and refused to return your grey to you.

Edited by luvparrots
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Interesting question. I was actually thinking about this earlier this week, funnily enough. I was wondering about multi-grey homes and how to tell them apart if they're not making any noise or carrying out any particular behaviours. I hadn't really thought about it in the instance of a lost grey being returned.


Alfie's band has been removed from his leg (not that it was particularly legible anyway) but he is 'chipped. So obviously my most reliable source would be to have him scanned at a vets practice.

Without hearing him say something or make certain noises, I'd like to think that I would be able to identify Alfie in a "Grey line up"!

The main tell tale sign for Alfie is his beak. His beak grows out more on one side. It's under control (thanks to his vet doing such a good job) but I could still use it to identify Alfie. Also, Alfie tends to preen under his wings a lot- so as a result the feathers on the side of his body are messier than what I've seen on other greys... though that would be a hard one to see unless he lifted his wings voluntarily. Alfie hates his wings being touched!

He used to have a little red feather above the base of his tail/on his back but that dropped out several years ago. I can't think of any other tell tale signs for him.

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Inside my home, I can easily tell my two apart. Kya has a blockier head, while Gracie Lou's neck and head are more rounded. Their coloring is completely different, Kya is a very dark charcoal grey, while Gracie Lou is lighter shades. He's also larger than she is.


Honestly, appearance wise outside my home, it would be difficult, other than the fact that Kya does seem darker to me in person than most greys I see - but then again, he looks lighter in pics so I may be comparing him to greys that look lighter in pics, too.


If we were to go to identify Kya in a "line up" or to reclaim, I have no doubt that he would react to my husband under almost any circumstances. The first day we met him when my husband walked to his cage he started spinning in circles yelling "Woo hoo". I believe he would still do the same, their bond is pretty special. He doesn't talk in front of strangers unless he gets excited about something. But I think if he was frightened and he saw my husband, he would react.


Gracie Lou would be a different story. She is banded, so of course I could use that, but with her feathers filling in she looks like almost every other grey that is recovering from plucking. She was so shy and timid when we got her, and she has really come out of her shell here with us, but I truly believe that if she were frightened, it would be very difficult to identify her without the band.


I think that if the unthinkable were to happen, and someone were to find one of ours, I would ask to be left alone in a room with Gracie Lou for a minute. I know her mannerisms well enough to figure it out from there. She would freeze in front of strangers.


I would like to get them both microchipped at the next vet check up. Far too many missing greys are being posted lately!

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I'm almost embarrassed to say I have no idea what GreycieMae's leg band has on it. I'm 100% sure it's written on her hatch certificate from the breeder.


However, if she ended up in a CAG lineup, I know 100% sure I could pick her out. I have spent WAY too much time grooming her, kissing her, fart sounds under her wings, pushing her on her swing perch and just general rough house with her. She would do something that would clearly give her away as my little feathered girl. I bet I could even pick her out blind folded by noise and touch-n-feel. I know my Grey. I obsess over her.

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All of mine are misfits so they would stand out in any crowd! Lol Bongo with his over sized beak, Gabby's deformed leg, Ixta's missing toes, Cotay's attitude and eyes. Koko has such a personality that she wouldn't clam up and would just be saying Hi Koko over and over. Gus is to precious a Too to ever be mistaken. Bubba would be also nonstop saying stop it no outside and Hi Koko. Plus he is almost naked. Mary Ann hates women and yells Hello at everyone. Marley hates everyone but me so who ever finds her will be missing chunks of flesh. Chulo and Nati's beaks and Honey and Sunny tongues. Vincent and Chacho, i would have to take Pat with me. If they attack him they are mine. Menyca, how many people have hawked heads? lol. Plus i know she would be meowing like a cat. Other than Scout who i don't know well enough yet i think that covers it. OH MY GOSH! i forgot Kane. Missing wing missing all but 3 toes and only has a 3/4 of a tongue. Lol no one would want or try to claim any of mine as their own! That's why i love my misfits!

Edited by murfchck
Predictive text blows!!
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I hate to say it but I don't know if I could pick out Dorian in a grey line up. Maybe by his beak and talons. They're both slightly overgrown because they were never trimmed for the first four years of his life so now my groomer can only trim them back so far. I know he'd clam right up because even the appearance of a repair man causes him to clam up around here! He used to have pink coloured trousers but they've gradually molted out.

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I could pick out Talon, she has a red factor spot on her right shoulder. Rikki has an overgrowth flake on the top of her beak that continually grows even after it gets flicked off. Nilah..only by her voice

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I don't think I could identify my Ana Grey (TAG) if she was in a group. She has a band and has her certificate with all info on it somewhere in a box in my closet. She can talk but not often. Sterling Gris (CAG) is also banded and the paperwork stored. However he is silver colored and very large so I could likely identify him no problem. He talks very well and can sing part of the old song: Irene Good Night. My greys are very different from each other as Ana Grey loves everyone and trusts everyone and Sterling Gris loves and trusts only me and the 6'5" young man who lives next door.


However both are microchipped so when found and if taken to a vet can easily be scanned and returned to me.


I also have a 20-year old Lilac-Headed Amazon I recently rescued. She was cage bond and a seed only eater. Although unclipped she does not fly. We are working at trust, a better diet and getting her to fly. We'll see......

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