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Over the years

Ray P

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Corky was 16 years old last December 5 2016

We met Corky when she was 9 weeks old and we fell in love with her when she was 9 weeks and we plonked down a deposit when she was 9 weeks old.

This was after well over a year of looking for a Grey to come and live with us.

The next 7 weeks were the longest 7 weeks of our life as we waited for her to come home. She was 16 weeks old when she came home to live with us and that was In march of 2001 16 years ago this month.

Over the years she has been all over the U.S. in our travels and has seen well over 1/2 of the United States. She has never been away from us, not even for over night.

She is very out going when it comes to our family and friends {She has very good taste, the people I don`t like she don`t like either}.When someone new comes to the house it takes 3 or 4 visits and than it`s like old home week.

It`s hard to think of a time when she was not with us as she occupies a space right in the center of our life. I guess I don`t have to tell any one here about that.

If you don`t have a Grey than you have never experience life.


OH one more thing, I want to throw in Amazons and cockatiels also.

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Corky sounds just like our GreycieMae. I really think she cues off of me to determine who to like and who not to like. There is one person who came over to our house that got the fur standing up on my back and that's also who GreycieMae bit, and she's not a biter. I think she sensed I couldn't stand the person.


We're looking for a way to travel with our gang. Would love to have a 'toymover' (rv with a garage) so they would have their very own travelling aviary, but they cost about as much as a cheap house.


As in your house, these birds are the center of our lives. I was a ship without a rudder until they came along.

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I often wish we could have had our two as babies, I know we missed out on a lot.


Kya was like an unplanned pregnancy. I'm at work minding my own business when someone came in and asked to see me at the front desk. She had to rehome him due to health issues and had heard that I had smaller birds, and didn't know where else to turn - a quick text to my husband and we picked him up that evening after work, and we have never questioned that decision one time.


Gracie was like a planned pregnancy, and don't think we didn't consider a baby. They were available all around us, but we're both very involved in rescue, so the decision was made and the search was on. She is a work in progress, or maybe we are her work in progress. Either way, we can't wait to get home to them every day.


Kya loses his mind when a blonde with long hair comes in - he loves them all. He will let out a wolf whistle when he sees them at the door and won't stop talking and whistling at them until they leave. He is, otherwise, more reserved with strangers, and has to be around them several times before he shows his true personality. He's kind of cantankerous, so we usually cage him when someone comes in that he doesn't know. But in general, he seems to like everyone once he gets to know them. I cannot think of anyone I don't like ever meeting him, so it would be interesting to know how he would react.

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