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The best of who we are;

Ray P

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Over the years as I have read the many, many post of are members. I have come to believe that the best of who we are shows in our feathered flock and I don`t mean just in our greys, after all the Grey forums is a full service forum. If it fly`s one of us has one or two.

It`s how we feel about our birds and our fellow members.

With the loss of a parrot or member a little bit of us is gone also, but with each they leave something behind to share and help a new person and any new parrot live a better and happy life.

What we learn and pass on to each other will be a gift.

They may never remember our name but they will enjoy the gift we left behind.


Dedicated To the ones that have gone before us.

Edited by Ray P
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May the circle remain unbroken. Ray you phrased that so well we have a wonderful opportunity here to share what we have observed and learned from our birds and each other. Generous minds sharing ideas and thoughts and kindness. Together we do make a difference in the world we live on.

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Something bestowed or acquired without any particular effort by the recipient or without its being earned. is the definition of gift


I submit that birdhouse is correct, but I also submit that the definition is wrong, in that each and everyday everyone of you put forth effort just to log in and see past your own problems, and offer help to those seeking advice and comfort.


While helping, you are having to go through your own issues and those of your greys.


I have usually found Greys have no issues, it is usually us.


But I digress

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Well, strictly speaking, yes. But for me at least, it's no effort. In fact, it's a greyt joy because I get to learn so much from other grey owners, people who actually get it. There aren't any of those in my orbit.


And there weren't any whenever Phenix & I started on our odyssey. Even though those dark days are decades behind us, I'll never forget what it was like to wish there was someone I could reach out to for help. I would have given anything to have some idea of what the heck I was doing! lol


It may have taken 20 yrs. But being able to share w/parronts all over the world still seems like a dream come true. I don't think I'll ever take it for granted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Ray P -- enjoyed reading your post!!!

@birdhouse -- I remember well those dark days. My Bibles back then were Guide To A Well Behaved Parrot By Mattie Sue Athan and anything written by Sally Blanchard. Plus, who can forget Bird Talk magazine.

I was lucky I was a sysop in the (John Benn) Pets Forum on Compuserve when I got my first parrot back in the mid-nineties I know at one point Compuserve did open a Birds forum but there was as much misinformation as helpful stuff shared. And those forums eventually vanished with the coming of the incredible world wide web. And sometimes that web feels too big, too impersonal. :(

So, it was such a delight to stumble across this forum!!! Such wonderful people sharing love for our feathered grey companions.

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For my part I am extraordinarily grateful for this forum and the experience and generous hearts that have gone into creating a place to get a hand up in learning how to be a better companion for the ultimate test of living with a grey with issues. Miss Gilbert found her way to me through Grey Forums. Everything I have learned was taught to me here. Its an incredible asset to anyone who passes through.

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I remember well those dark days. My Bibles back then were Guide To A Well Behaved Parrot By Mattie Sue Athan and anything written by Sally Blanchard. Plus, who can forget Bird Talk magazine.

I was lucky I was a sysop in the (John Benn) Pets Forum on Compuserve when I got my first parrot back in the mid-nineties I know at one point Compuserve did open a Birds forum but there was as much misinformation as helpful stuff shared.



Sounds like you got your fids a few years before I got mine. Maybe 3-5 yrs, I'm having to guess because someone hasn't posted anything in the Welcome & Introduction forum yet... [hint, hint] W/pictures, I might add. ;)


Yes Bird Talk was one of the first sources of information available & it was like finding water in the dessert back then. Sadly, people have a hard time believing it ever attempted to be legit once upon a time & that makes me sad.

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I am often surprised that any of the big birds survived back when. Incredible amounts of stupidity.


We've had birds in my family for generations. Canaries, budgies, barn yard fowl. But not parrots. When I got my first tiel *at Woolworths* & went looking for information it was pretty obvious how little was written for that type of bird keeper.


I feel sorry for most of the companion parrots from back in the day.

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