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A vet who believes in Essential Oils


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DISCLAIMER: as of this minute, I have done zero research on this vet.

I tripped over an interview w/Melissa Shelton DVM in my campaign against fleas. The article was aimed at lavender oil & cats but it was actually worth a quick read anyway.


Her basic premises are that good quality essential oils are a good tool, bad quality & badly handled inessential oils are bad & tons of what we think we know about essential oils & critters are pure myth & wives tales. She did sound relatively sane, in the article at least.


She also ref'd her website http://www.oilyvet.com/ So, of course, I clicked. The first thing I saw was a pair of Hyacinth Mcaws & I thought I'd best bookmark the page for further study when I actually had some time. But since that could be a while I thought maybe I should share & let anyone who was interested do some research in the meantime.


I'm really hoping people will feel free to share & discuss this much maligned topic for everyone's benefit.

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I've used Young Living brand essential oils for many years for myself, but have not used them with any of my birds. However, I do wear the oils and HRH has never had any adverse reaction. My chiropractor was the one who recommended them for me, and this is the brand that she used exclusively in her practice. I have an immune disorder, and find certain blends particularly helpful. Stressed birds are often drawn to me and frequently want to move close to me, so who knows maybe it's the soothing oils?


My wholistic veterinarian also recommended the same brand for their companion animal practice, as well as Young Living's animal products (can be seen on Young Living's website). I have not had the occasion to ask my avian vet about her opinions but will next time we're in.


The Essential Bird website, and yahoo group have more information on medical grade essential oils and birds. I would definitely stay away from any hobby store, over the counter oils and products and diffusers and when in doubt would check with a vet. With my (RIP) CAG and 'zon, I used to mist them with homemade chamomile teas as a soothing feather and skin treatment. I also used to make all natural human lotions, potions, soaps, and hair rinses.


For treatments for birds, I'd definitely prefer to go to a wholistic vet rather than guessing about what might be the best combo of anything, unless I was/am just making a simple tea directly from organic plants as a soothing mist, and would stay away from barks, roots, and plants that are heavy in natural oils.


Here is a link to the Essential Bird http://www.essentialbird.com/



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This is like pretty much anything else. To begin with, there is a very big lot of negative press & fake news (sorry, sorry!!) about EOs & critters (& people for that matter). It's been very hard to find qualified people who speak on the topic, especailly in such a public venue. So that's what atracted me in the first place. And I still don't know how qualified she is btw. I still haven't had time to vet the vet. ")


If even the least of these assertions are true, though, think... All those poor parrot owners who miss their room scents, can finally have relief! lol


Seriously, though, something that simple can change everything. Everyone can or not chose to graduate to whatever advanced level having done due diligence & research. But there could actually be a choice now & that's major progress towards who knows what eventual end.


This is what makes me so excited about the information age. All this time the professionals couldn't be bothered studying so many things that would have improved the quality of life for our companion parrots. Not until we their caregivers did the leg work & they realized they could make a profit. Welcome to Capitolism my friends.


But still & as always, it's all about the fids, right?

Edited by birdhouse
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I am unsure if adding any oils to a Parrots feathers such as an African Grey that has a preen gland they use to coat their feathers should be done. The preen gland oils provide waterproofing, manufacturing vitamin D precursors, keeping their skin, feathers and beak supple, and performing an antibacterial function. I personally would not use any essential oils on my Grey. For Parrots that do not have preen glands, I would consult an Avian Vet. They make it in the wild just fine without intervention by humans and essential oils. Just my thoughts on this. :)

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I would consult an Avian Vet.


100% agree w/consulting an Avian Vet as part of doing due diligence & research prior to anything like this. But I am going to caution that there are Avian Vets who won't agree on principal - whatever their principals are. I am still having to pass up vets who do not believe that a parrot should be fresh fed. In my estimation that's a type of malpractice of sorts . And I mean they have strenuously objected even after they have performed a full exam w/lab panels that produced 100% glowing reports. I think it's safe to say the same type of thing applies w/any number of "alternate" methods in bird keeping. So I think parronts are looking more specifically for an avian vet w/good holistic credentials.


They make it in the wild just fine without intervention by humans and essential oils. Just my thoughts on this. :)


Nature is one big pharmacological smorgasbord that is pretty self sufficient day to day. In special circumstances, critters can instinctively self medicate in the wild using among other things, essential oils. Essential oils are only natural plant oils. We're extracting & bottling the same oils that a critter gets whenever he eats say limes or Eucalyptus leaves ...& gets all over their face & feathers or fur.


Plants & animals are very very often interdependent in the wild. For instance, a healthy sloth actually lives its life covered w/a type of algae. Birds who are messy eaters no matter where they live would at least get a face full of essential oils w/pretty much every meal. They would also be covered in pollen & oils every where they roam in the tree canopy.


Maybe what we don't realize is that it's all part of what they need to stay healthy. I think we intervened whenever we separated them from all that & built an artificial support system w/so little understanding of their physiology. I think it's past time we back to letting nature do what it does so much better than we ever could. jmho

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This is a great thread on a subject that could fall on either side of the fence. We all want what`s best for fids and we need to be careful to do our research on subjects that could cross the line on what`s best for our fids.

In the end we must make our own decision on the action we take based on what we have learn from the people in the know.

Side note; Even experts do not always agree. Myself I side on the error of caution.

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Food for thought:


Once upon a time, all companion parrots had their wings clipped. And then someone said, "Let there be flight."

People were appalled, of course. Some were afraid.

Others felt certain that each escapee & every injury was an absolute sure sign that this was an absolutely horrible idea.


Or maybe I should have started with, "A long, long time ago..."


Change is hard & w/good reason when it may well have such a high price.

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