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Rescue home visit next weekend!


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Well, we have asked ourselves the question. What is better than one magnificent bossy grey parrot? Two, of course.


There are lots of babies available locally, and it was very tempting, considering Kya was 10 when he came to live with us. But, I'm a strong advocate for rescue, so how could I buy a baby if there was an adult who needed a home? It had to be a grey, we are head over heels with their personality.


I contacted an in state rescue, but they would not adopt to us because we were "out of their radius". I contacted another rescue in a northern state and got the same answer. I finally found an amazing rescue about 2 1/2 hours away in Tennessee run by a wonderful lady who is willing to step outside that radius and come to do a home visit next weekend.


She has paired us with a very shy 18 year old little girl named Gracie, if everything works out with the home visit, she will be ours. She's frightened of everything, bless her heart. And, she plucks. The rescue is well aware of our success with Kya, who was also a plucker, and I had told her up front that it did not matter to me as far as age and feathers go, we just wanted to give a loving home to a grey who needed one. She actually had a second one who was only 9 and much like Kya personality wise, but we agree with her thoughts 100% and have opted for shy, timid, plucking little Gracie.


We are both so excited about this, and are anxiously awaiting the home visit. It really doesn't matter. She needs a home. If all goes well, we will be able to get her immediately. I am absolutely beside myself waiting to meet Ms. Gracie! We are realistic, and not expecting her and Kya to be best of friends, although we know that it does sometimes work out with greys. We will introduce them slowly and proceed from there. Just can't wait to have the opportunity to turn her life around, and I am sure she will turn our lives around, as well.


Coincidentally, our Chihuahua is also named Gracie, and Kya uses her name constantly, so if everything works out, we should have tons of confusion and fun. We often call our Chi Bug instead of Gracie, so we will just have to start using her nickname, instead.


I don't know her whole story, but I am sure we will find out more at the home visit. Fear is something we can work with, and we can certainly provide the security and trust that she is going to need. All I know is a gentleman surrendered her and she started plucking at that point. We're looking forward to making things right in her life again.


Please keep your fingers crossed for us! Just had to share with someone who would understand.

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Thanks, everyone. I am as nervous as an expectant mother. My son asked me this morning if she talked as much as Kya, and I said "I haven't asked, it doesn't matter if she talks at all." My husband hasn't asked, either.


I think it's going to be very hard to determine whether she likes us immediately due to her fear of anything new - she's even terrified of toys. (Not that typical skeptical grey "Why did you put that thing that will certainly kill me at any moment in my cage" kind of terrified.) She does not adapt well to change or anything new according to the rescue.


When we went to pick up Kya (first time we had ever met) he did a flip on his perch and yelled "Woo Hoo" so we weren't too worried about adapting, especially when his previous owners said he had never made a sound in front of a stranger.


Of course, we have the option of fostering for 3 months before we make a decision, but let's be realistic. She's already stolen my heart and I haven't met her. I know how long it took us to get Kya (a different kind of rescue) where he is today, so I know 3 months is not enough time to get to know each other, especially with her phobias. It may be years before she adjusts, but she WILL adjust. And, I hate going into anything serious like this even considering that there is a way out. We will do our best by her, no matter what, if the adoption is approved.


I will keep you all posted!

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I agree. Start a long-running thread, that way I don't have to be the new guy and can get in on the beginning of one, instead of being lost all the time because I can't go back and read 500 pages. :P


It will help document the transformation and you'll probably get a kick out of going back and seeing what happened that you've forgotten about.

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I echo the calls for a thread in the rescue room. Thank you in advance for finding a home for a rescue in need of some tlc. I'm sure watching you with Kya will help her come around. Just be sure to always make Kya your "first" bird. Feed her first, first out of cage etc...

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Only 2 more days! We cannot wait to meet her.


The lady who runs the rescue is absolutely amazing to deal with. She is actually driving up with Ms. Gracie on Sunday - it's a little over a 2 hour drive, and with the changes she has been through, she decided it would be best for Gracie if she travels with her. She has thoroughly checked us out, and says that if everything goes as she thinks it will, she will be leaving Gracie with us. She thinks that will be easier on her than us driving down and snatching her up and taking her home. She has had her for a few weeks so will probably be less stressed coming up with her. She has a cage, but needs a new one. We have discussed this and will keep her in her old cage until she settles in well, just to minimize her stress. She is a picky eater, much like Kya, but she does have her on pellets, which is great. In that respect, she's further along than Kya was when we got him. It sounds as if she likes much the same fresh foods that Kya does, so that is great.


I am really excited for the rescue - they have found a country home that they are hoping to purchase and turn into a rescue / sanctuary, as their space is limited right now. There will be a lot of work to be done to the new place if everything goes through, and my husband and I are going to try to donate some of our time in helping to get it ready.


Thanks for all the support, and I will definitely be starting a thread with her progress. In the meantime, I may have a nervous breakdown waiting for Sunday!

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I echo the calls for a thread in the rescue room. Thank you in advance for finding a home for a rescue in need of some tlc. I'm sure watching you with Kya will help her come around. Just be sure to always make Kya your "first" bird. Feed her first, first out of cage etc...


That is the plan! Kya wouldn't have it any other way. He is absolutely spoiled rotten and very demanding. I am worried about how his strong personality will mesh with little Gracie's shyness, but I'm hopeful that once she feels secure and comfortable, he will help her get over that somewhat.


I'm actually wondering about something. She has just had a very thorough vet check by an avian certified vet. She's absolutely in perfect health, as is Kya. I would love to put her in the same room with him, but across the room. Is it necessary to quarantine with a full vet check? I just think it would be better for her to be more exposed to the household, rather than kept off by herself, especially during this transition time for her. It's just my husband and myself, we are relatively quiet - other than Kya and Sookie and all the noise they make, it's a pretty calm laid back atmosphere. What do you think?

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