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Scrambled parrot eggs anyone?


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Well I certainly got a big surprise this morning, Sadie my new Red-Crowned 20-year-old zon laid an egg this AM. Surprise. surprise. I called the "Birdman," yes he lives around my area and I know him, anyhow, I asked him what to do and his advice was to remove the egg so,hopefully this will be the end of the eggs.


Now what to do with the egg????? Perhaps a egg recipe contest???? Anyway,I was shocked and wanted to share. Will be getting the egg out of the cage once Sadie gets off of it. Wish me luck.....

Edited by luvparrots
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Tis the season whether we like it or not. Kura laid another 2 last week. ggrrrr!! I've been told (read Dave said) to leave the eggs & let the hen decide when to remove them. Otherwise, she may be encouraged to try again sooner than she might have. I've tried both ways & really don't see where I could endorse either school of thought.


But w/Sadie rather than upsetting her needlessly, maybe wait to see if this is a stray egg or the first of a clutch. Idk how many days apart these Zons lay. But whenever it's past the point, I'd just touch the egg(s) but leave them. Many hens will dump the egg that smells compromised. But first, they will eat them & get to re-absorb whatever nutrients they can.

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I have gone back and read information Dave700 (bless his heart) left us which advises that the egg be left alone. This is what I will do.


Looked in on Sadie and she is sitting on her egg at the bottom of the cage. I wish i had more info on her. She is a quiet gentle zon so I am assuming she has never been a breeder bird. We'll see what happens.

Edited by luvparrots
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, Sadie laid the one egg and only one. She sat on it and got off when she wanted food. Today when I went into feed the gang dinner the egg was cracked. Did Sadie crack it on purpose, or what??? If she is now done with it, I will remove it tomorrow when I clean cages. Here is hoping this adventure is now over....

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