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Apparently, I am a dullard....


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Daily, HRH Inara likes to go to her tree at about 4-ish in the afternoon, where she hangs out until the sun starts to set then she makes her way back into her home and wants to be covered and hit the sack.


Yesterday, I headed off to soak my aching back in a hot bubble bath at about 3:30 PM, not thinking about the time. I had just settled into the steaming water, with a cup of coffee and a good book, thinking how relaxing this was when a voice popped up from the other room: "Hey sweetie bird, I want to go to the tree."


Me: I am in the shower (shower/bath is all the same to her).

Inara: OK

about 3 minutes later---


Inara: Let's go to the tree, alright?

Me: You need to wait one hour, I am in the shower.


a couple of minutes --


Inara: I want to go to the tree out there.

Me: Sorry, but you will have to wait.


Inara: I will go to the tree. Whhhhaaaaaaaaaat? (long and drawn out with the upward question inflection at the end) the TREEEEEEE!!! (drawn out and vehement!)


The -- "you dullard, don't you understand what tree means???" was implied I'm sure!! I burst out laughing (because I often will ask her "what" something is), hauled my dripping self out of the tub, wrapped a towel 'round and let her out so she could go to ---whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? The Tree!


This is not the first time that she has implied that I am a bit slow on the uptake.......

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Oh, it's okay. On the off chance our fid(s) thought we were actually being a clever human even for a moment, it would be on a par w/us saying the dog has good breath (for a dog). ") One of the important pieces of wisdom imparted to us over the many decades dedicated to our enlightenment by the much superior species w/whom we live & are blessed to serve.

Edited by birdhouse
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Oh, it's okay. On the off chance our fid(s) thought we were actually being a clever human even for a moment, it would be on a par w/us saying the dog has good breath (for a dog). ") One of the important pieces of wisdom imparted to us over the many decades dedicated to our enlightenment by the much superior species w/whom we live & are blessed to serve.


Isn't that the truth!!! :D



LOL! You need to get back in your place SLAVE! Hilarious conversation!


Now you see why I call Inara HRH (Her Royal Highness!!!) :D


Ha! This gave me a good laugh!!! Inara is comedy:D


Giannine, true! Never a dull moment around here. Just way, your Poppy will be following suit as she continues to grow. What a lovely profile picture of her!!! Love those baby eyes *sigh* :)

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My life, in a nutshell...(Said nutshell is usually "crushed" by one magnificent black beak.)


As smart as they are, the one word I am certain that Kya does not - or chooses not to - understand is "Wait". I truly feel like a dim witted servant most days. Your post made me chuckle over my morning coffee as I argue with Kya because I gave him scrambled eggs and apples instead of his beloved "floffle" (waffle - he's working on it). He asked for egg, but changed his mind about the time I was dicing up the apple in it. So, as you can imagine, chunks of scrambled eggs are flying here and there, but I see him sneaking those tasty bits of apple when he thinks I am not looking.


It's all about them, right?

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