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The funniest things your grey does / says


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One funny thing Sterling Gris did was wolf whistle at the nice looking neighbor lady. It was cute that just after the loud whistle she straightened up and swaggered just a bit more across her yard. Very cute and I believe made her day.


We have a young teen girl that walks past our house every morning to go to the bus stop. Kya is right in front of the window and lets out his loudest wolf whistle every time he sees her walk by. My husband is hoping and praying that the police don't show up on our doorstep to question him. She looks around every time. I bet she thinks I live with a dirty old man.


He wolf whistles appropriately, always at females. When my daughter and daughter in law come in, that's the first thing they hear. If my old self runs through the house in a towel, I get the wolf whistle. He's lecherous.

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Phenix voice sounds like a 3-4 yo boy's voice. So if you can, picture a small child who's pretending to be a lion & then laughing in delight in between. It makes me laugh every single time Phenix roars. It is the most adorable thing ever!


I bet it's adorable!


Kya only uses his "baby" voice when my grandson is around, for the most part. Occasionally he'll spew out a jumble of words that sound like a child, and I think it shocks him so he goes back into his deepest manly voice immediately.

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Am loving reading all of these!! Oh those wolf whistles, definitely can cause quite a stir! And I love that Sukei is American!!! How adorable is that??! And Phenix "roaring" in a little boy voice, too cute!


And that Timber, just knows that mama needs rescuing from that darned phone. LOL HRH Inara will say, "OK we love you, bye!" then makes the 'boop' sound of the phone disconnecting. I *always* explain to people that I don't know (like business calls, etc.) that I have a parrot in the background and so if they hear anything odd, *she* is the one saying it!!

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The other morning, we were getting ready to leave for work and trying to find something on tv for Kya to watch while we were gone. My husband was flipping through the channels for Kya like he does every morning - he will usually let you know what excites him and we leave it on that channel. My husband flipped past Dora the Explorer and Kya proudly yelled "Hola, amigo". My husband doesn't know much about Dora, so I had to explain that he needed to leave the channel there for him. Who wants to stand between a bird and a second language?

  • Haha 1
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The other morning, we were getting ready to leave for work and trying to find something on tv for Kya to watch while we were gone. My husband was flipping through the channels for Kya like he does every morning - he will usually let you know what excites him and we leave it on that channel. My husband flipped past Dora the Explorer and Kya proudly yelled "Hola, amigo". My husband doesn't know much about Dora, so I had to explain that he needed to leave the channel there for him. Who wants to stand between a bird and a second language?


LOL! I must say KYA has good Educational TV taste. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Snickers was clumsy when I first got him (1997) and he would hang by one toe from the top of his cage and I would say "Be careful!"

And if he did slip and flutter to bottom of cage, I'd say "Are you okay?" when I checked on him.

Well, even though he hasn't been clumsy in nearly 20 years, he still remembers how to use those phrases.

A few years ago I was up on the stepladder and he called out "Be careful!"

And if I get up in the night, he has started asking "Hello?" as a question (ala 'is anyone there?' sort of usage). Well, I would ignore him because I didn't want to wake up the household by answering; so Snickers does a few 'hellos?" before finally demanding "Are you okay?" I usually get tickled and say "I'm okay -- go back to sleep." He has actually done the "are you okay" thing a few times in the middle of the night -- I guess he considers it concerning for me to get up in the middle of the night.

Greys amaze me with their ability to use phrases so appropriately.

Edited by LNCAG
(edited ticked to tickled)
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I am enjoying time to catch up on posts I have missed. The funny thing Miss Gilbert picked up recently is listening to me trying to learn Latin Spanish on Duolingo and with Rosetta Stone in order to chat with my daughter's lovely inlaws from Colombia. The programs will diss my pronunciation, and apparently when I'm wearing headphones I get a little exasperated. Miss Gilbert has a perfectly sarcastic "Por favor" shouted over and over. She also favors "nueve".


On the funny but not funny is after David worked from home with his broken ankle she learned his "work tone" on the telephone. She cranked things up a notch now she screams "noooo no stop.... stop it... David!!! aaaaaaahhhhhh!" along with monkey hoots and sharp sarcastic "Be Quiet!" Next comes her extensive repertoire of cuss words in a loud wicked tone and finally maniacal laughter. We have to push her cage into the bedroom and close the door before he gets on a conference call. She knows exactly what she is doing too. My daughter works in Texas for a division of the same company. She has heard from her boss that they want her to check on her mom because they think David is making up stories about a parrot and they think it is really me!

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Haaaa funny! After I retired, I took a work at home job for about 6 months. I was a room over from Timber and it drove him crazy. He could hear me talking but couldn't see me. Of course, he expects me to be talking to him and in the room with him except when I sleep so this wasn't popular. He would make every sound and run through his whole vocabulary, including his "wounded cat" meow (he does 3 very different meows). I was wearing a headset and had some distance, but every once in awhile the customer would say "what was that?" To which I'd respond "I didn't hear anything."

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Gracie is really coming into her own. She will have been with us 5 weeks tomorrow. Every day, we hear new words from her, which is interesting to me because Kya hit the ground running when we took him in and has never shut up for more than 15 minutes or to sleep. But, Kya had one home other than us all of his life, and we don't know how many Gracie had, or really know anything much at all about her background.


Kya went off the other night in his rapid gunfire - "pew, pew, pew" and this lasted for about 15 minutes. It always makes us laugh because he is so overzealous about it, and right after he finishes he does his monkey imitation so it's pretty predictable. Gracie was sitting about 6 inches away from him, staring at him with her head cocked. When he finished, she said "stupid bird".


My husband and I both burst out laughing. I later realized that Kya doesn't say that and we don't say that so at some point in time, someone must have called her a stupid bird enough for her to retain it, and it made me sad, but it was hysterically funny when it happened.


Gracie also loves some boxes. (Don't ever look in my spare bedroom - I have quite the collection for her.) She likes for me to put one up on her cage on it's side so she can play inside it and slowly destroy it. This past week, she had discovered that she loves to yell things inside the box and do her sound effects, she seems to like the way it sounds inside her little cave. If we go to put her back in the cage to go somewhere or go to bed, she runs inside what is left of her box and starts yelling "No, no, no!!!" We literally have to take her box away before she will step up to go back in her cage.

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That's hilarious! Timber also loves boxes. Dave007 always said not to let them have a box because it encourages nesting behavior and could lead to egg laying. Timber is supposed to be male but we have no proof of that. He loves his box so much though that I can't take it away from him/her regardless! He chews on it, remodels, naps, etc. and enjoys it so much.

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That's hilarious! Timber also loves boxes. Dave007 always said not to let them have a box because it encourages nesting behavior and could lead to egg laying. Timber is supposed to be male but we have no proof of that. He loves his box so much though that I can't take it away from him/her regardless! He chews on it, remodels, naps, etc. and enjoys it so much.


I can't take Gracie's away, either. I know it encourages nesting behavior, but she enjoys it so much that I am powerless! Right now, at this stage, we're pretty much letting her get away with murder to make her feel happy and secure!

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  • 5 weeks later...

No humans were in the room yesterday when Phenix came out with, "Phenix is THE BIRD!!" I think it was a sentence he constructed vs something he's been told, too.


No idea what made him say it. I'm still hoping I don't find out the hard way. But in the meantime. we were all in the other room laughing at how just how convinced he sounded.

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GreycieMae is adorable!


Kya came out with a new one this week. I guess sometimes we don't realize how often we say something until they prove it to us. He's announcing "THIS IS RIDICULOUS!" in my voice. :o

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Graciemae should watch the utube video of Adam Rupp the beat box guy from "Home Free" she would enjoy his skills he might enjoy hers too.





Apr 26, 2015 - Uploaded by Tara Marie Ahn

Santander Performing Arts Center Readin, PA 4/22/15.

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My housemate has been interacting with Alfie more often. They have a secret bromance going on. :cool:


Alfie has recently starting saying "you're a birb!" because my housemate says it every time he walks past the cage.

He has also learned "good birb!" because that's what my housemate says when Alfie lets him give head scratches. (he already knew good boy and after he learned 'you're a birb' I guess 'good birb' wasn't too difficult to piece together)


He always seems to prefer male voices over female voices and learns expressions/sayings from males much quicker than he does from me/any other female.

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  • 1 month later...

Kya has started repeatedly saying "I'm going to the courthouse". We have no clue where it came from, he must have heard it on tv and liked the sound of it.


And, he's now convinced Gracie Lou of what a good boy he is (bless her heart, she hears it all day), so she is now saying "Kya is a good boy. Noooooooooo!" (That Noooooo still follows everything she says, but in this case, she is right by adding the disclaimer.)

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